Page 141 of Court of Nightmares

I let him take my arm and dramatically spin me around the room before I take over and lead, making us both laugh. It’s a tradition from every party we have ever been to. Laying my head on his shoulder, I let my laughter fade as I move in his arms, swaying to the music. I thought I would never have this again. I hold him tighter, and he lays a kiss on my head like he feels it. I meet his eyes, seeing the same emotion there.

“I won’t lose you again, Thea,” he promises. “Family.”

“Family,” I whisper, and then we continue to sway, dancing away the hours together while our mates watch us.

Just two best friends holding onto the past for a moment until the present can invade.



Iwatch my mate and her best friend. There is so much pain and love wrapped in their embrace, my heart aches for her, and I make a promise there and then that I will never let my mate suffer without him again. My gaze is drawn away when I spot a vampyr and his friends cornering one of our monsters. Snarling, I storm over, not wanting this to interrupt the special moment my mate is having.

“Leave her alone,” I demand, realising it’s the mermaid, Tide.

“We are just talking. She’s of our courts, isn’t she?” The man turns, and I narrow my eyes on him. There is more happening here than just our intentions, and I will not allow anything to harm to the monsters, so I step between them.

“You aren’t talking anymore, little boy,” I snap, crossing my arms, my shadows curling around me. “She is under our protection . . . unless you would like me to make an example out of you.”

He huffs and looks at his friends. “She isn’t worth it.” He turns away and strides off, his head held high like he won. Shaking my head at his foolishness, I drop my shadows and step away so I’m not crowding her. “I apologise for their behaviour.”

“I am used to the foolishness of men,” she murmurs, and then she looks at me and smiles. It’s a beautiful smile, but it’s not like the one my girl gives me that makes my whole world light up. “You truly love her.”

I tilt my head in question, and she laughs.

“You touched me by mistake when you were trying to protect me. Any other would have fallen under my spell. Only those truly in love do not. I have only ever seen it once . . . twice now. You love her.” Her eyes seek out Althea, and she smiles softly. “I understand why. She is one of a kind.”

“She is, and I do.” I nod, gazing at my mate. “She is my everything.”

“Hold onto her tight,” she murmurs. “Love can be so easily stolen away.” There’s pain in her eyes like she knows this firsthand, and she nods at me. “Thank you for stepping in. I did not think you would like their intestines scattered about.” She slides away as I gape after her.

Note to self, don’t get in the way of mermaids.

I feel my mate’s gaze and turn to her.Is everything okay?she asks.

Everything is fine, my love. I promise.

* * *


I circle the dance floor, keeping an eye on everything. I see my love moving towards the thrones to sit, with Lycus and Nathair keeping track of her and moving close. Simon returns to his mate, and I ensure they are okay before sliding around the edges once more, checking on the monsters and the party. There are already people feeding and fucking, and the council is watching everything. Everyone is waiting for something to happen, and their anticipation is in the air, growing tenser.

I feel eyes on me, but when I turn to look, I find nothing. Instead, I move towards Azul who is talking to one of his ghosts who chose to be seen, no doubt to lend his power. When I approach, the ghost moves away, listening to conversations for us.

“Any issues?” I ask him softly, not wanting to worry our mate.

“Just a few disrespectful drunk vamps. One is too drained to walk, another is debating whether or not to steal something from us, and the council is planning their attack. Nothing else,” he mutters, clearly uncomfortable with having so many enemies near his mate and in his house, just like I am.

“One night, brother,” I remind him, clasping his shoulder. “Then it will just be Althea and us forever.”

He sighs, rubbing his face as a ghost flies over to us. With a grin, I leave him to it. I nod as Lycus moves past us with a young female vamp in his arms, a supervisor from her court scolding her for overfeeding as he leads them from the party. Zale and Conall are stuffing their faces and watching our mate carefully.

I keep circling, my tiger needing to stretch. I wander outside and check the grounds. People are gathered out here to watch the dragon blow flames. It’s clear he hates this, but he’s doing it for Althea, so I keep my eye on them too.

Suddenly, I sense a presence behind me and spin. A female grins at me, and she’s standing far too close, so I step back quickly, not wanting her overly sweet scent to invade my nostrils. She flashes dainty fangs at me, which aren’t like my mate’s huge ones. Her eyes are a strange pink colour, contacts maybe, and her hair is blonde and short. I don’t bother noticing anything else, only details to identify her in case of an attack.

“What’s your name?” she asks.