Page 123 of Court of Nightmares

Gods help her, she will need it.



“Tinie?” I question.

She turns towards me and smiles. Her expression seems softer and more welcoming. I’ve met fey before. They are beautiful, deadly creatures, but I respect them.

I do know a few rules about fey—never ask their age, and never make a deal—and now, with what Nathair told me, I struggle to form a sentence that will not offend them or get me into trouble. She notices and softens further.

“We mean you no harm, vampyr queen.” It’s a vow, a promise, and my shoulders slump as I relax. I offer her my own unguarded smile.

“Good, I’m tired of being stabbed in the back,” I admit.

“I have a feeling that is true,” she says as she looks at the others. “Fetch the garments. We have created a basic silhouette. It will be big and long, but we will shape it to your body and infuse it with our magic, then we can figure out the smaller details. Is that okay? We will have to touch you and get very close.”

“It’s okay with me if it is with you,” I reply. I make sure to lock down as much of my mind as I can, as well as my power. I don’t want to give anything away, but I also don’t want to insult her.

She blinks as if she feels my intention, and a true smile blooms on her face. “Thank you. Many simply make us suffer through the touch with their thoughts and memories beating at us alongside their power. It is taxing to hold it back.”

I blink, and the green-haired fey laughs. “She thinks we use touch to gather secrets.”

“We do sometimes,” Tinie admits without shame, “but not very often, and it truly can be exhausting.”

“I am sorry. Please let me know if I can make this easier,” I respond, frowning at her. I hate the pain I see in her eyes. Does it physically hurt them to work their magic while fighting off the intentions of the wearer? How draining for them. No wonder they are cautious.

“Do not fret, for we know some do not do it on purpose.”

“Some do,” Pinkie says. “They like to watch us struggle. They want us to know how powerful they are. It’s almost like a challenge. We have been punished once or twice for accidentally seeing what we should not have, even though they were pushing it into our heads.”

I feel my brows draw together, my fangs lengthening. “They are fucking idiots and do not deserve your work.”

“I like her.” Green-haired smiles. “I’m Sereith.”

Pink-haired nods. “And I am Wista.”

“It is nice to meet you,” I tell them honestly. “I’m excited to work with you.”

“As are we. It’s not often we dress a queen. Nathair didn’t tell us much, so what style do we want?” Tinie asks, eyeing my body.

“Sexy.” I pause. “It needs to show how powerful we are, while also showing our wealth and how unbothered we are by their presence. We also need to be better dressed than any of them. This is the first time they will see us, so it needs to be a showstopper.”

They all grin as they step before me. “I think we can handle that. Don’t you, ladies?”

“Oh, definitely.” Wista giggles, and Sereith winks at me as she eyes my figure.

“She’s got the body for it.”

“That she does.” Tinie winks. “Okay, Althea, let’s get to work.”

I stand before them in nothing but a thong, but they never make me feel uncomfortable. In fact, they make me feel beautiful. They constantly compliment me, oohing and ahhing over my skin, my curves, and my hair. I smile bigger than I ever have, and they seem to relax and become more comfortable around me.

I feel Nathair and the others checking in mentally, but I shoo them away. I’m fine, and I want the dress to be a surprise.

“What’s it like being fey?” I ask softly as they work around me. I can’t see what they are doing, but I feel material being dropped, touched, and pulled as their magic flows across them. Every now and again, they step back and talk to one another before moving back to me.

Unlike some who would shoot out a response, Tinie seems to consider her words as she plays with the material at my side.