Page 114 of Court of Nightmares

Nathair’s eyes flare wide in surprise. “You would do that?”

“For my mate and my mate’s family? Of course. I assume Simon will become part of your court?” he asks.

“If he wishes,” Nathair replies without hesitation. “Or both your pack and our court. Even if he chooses not to, he always will have a place here.”

Elias nods and smiles at him. “Then we are with you. The vamps have gotten away with their shit for too long—no offence, babe—so let’s stick it to them. My wolves will love it.”

“Nathair.” Lycus winces. “What about—”

“I will talk to him.”

I frown, looking between them.I will tell you later, my love, Nathair promises telepathically, so I let it go.

“Now that it’s all decided, I heard we are having a movie night?” Nathair says, and I grin at him.

“Yep, we need popcorn, chocolate, crisps, wine, and lots and lots of blankets,” I tell him.

“Blankets? I shall see what I can do, my queen,” he purrs as he stands. “You heard our girl. Thea, baby, you go with them to the cinema room, and we will meet you there.”

Nodding, I kiss his cheek on my way past and lead Simon and his mate to the cinema room. I slide into one of the black leather sofas on the back wall. There are three across it, then chairs and a giant pit of cushions that would hold an entire court. Taking up the wall across from me is a huge screen. Simon and Elias sit next to me, with Simon leaning into my side as he holds his mate’s hand, and I can’t help but smile. We both need this.

“I’m glad you are with us. I hate the distance,” I whisper.

“Me too, me too.” He lifts his head. “I’m so glad you let someone love you too. I finally see you as I always did. You are magnificent, and your mother would be so proud of the person you have become.”

“You think?” I murmur.

“I know.” He squeezes my hand. “I’m proud of you, Thea, and I’m with you. I like them too, you know. They are good for you. You need someone to challenge you while also worshipping you. I don’t know how you deal with that many dicks—”

“Simon!” I laugh.

“I mean, like, how many holes could you fill—wait, never mind. I don’t want to . . . Do you stack them on top of each other? Or do you put a name in a bowl—wait, no, don’t tell me.” He groans, and Elias laughs and leans around him to see me.

“Don’t tell him. It will give him ideas, and he’s already more demanding in bed than a wolf.”

“Elias,” Simon admonishes, smacking his chest.

“Get some, bestie.” I nod proudly, and Simon covers his face.

“Oh gods, kill me now.”

“Nah, you’re too pretty.” His mate winks, making me laugh. “Plus, you suck cock like a Hoover—”

“That’s it!” He stands, and without looking at us, he flips over onto the seat before us. “I’m not looking at either of you.”

Elias slides closer and lowers his head. “Tell me all his secrets from when he was a kid.”

“Well, there was this time—”

Simon leans over and glares at me, flicking his fang. Laughing, I start to tell his stories when there’s a pained moan.

I lift my head in panic, frowning when I find Zale at the door. His eyes are wide and terrified, and his mouth is parted in a painful grimace as he grips the doorframe. He’s not staring at me, but at Elias next to me. The wolf freezes and lifts his nose to scent the room, seeming confused.

“What—” He turns to me to ask for clarification, but Zale snarls and launches himself at the wolf.

Elias holds up his hands and backs away from me. “I mean no harm to your queen,” he says carefully. “Or anyone here.”

“Zale?” I stand and move towards him. He shudders, closes his eyes, and quickly turns and leaves.