Page 82 of Court of Nightmares

“To do so, we wish to hunt within the courts themselves and find the seeds of evil so we may extinguish them before they grow roots.”

“Stop with the word games, king,” he mocks. “I hate them.”

Fuck, this is not going well. He’s even more angry than usual, and I feel his power beating at us. We may be powerful together and separately, but nobody stands against a god, bar another god.


I hear her thoughts before she lifts her head, and I turn to face her, trying to reach for her, but it’s too late. “He is asking if you almighty gods would have an issue if we go into the courts and kill all the evil fuckers there,” she snaps. “Is that clear enough for you now, god?”

“Careful how you speak to a god, child,” he warns, his voice like death. “You are new . . . Oh, but I taste a touch of god magic on you.” He steps closer, nothing but mist, and touches her. Any other would die, but she simply stands there and takes it. “Oh yes, a god indeed. Tell me, judge, what have you been up to?”

“Oh, you know, the usual,” she jokes. “Tell me, god,” she says mockingly like he did, and fear pounds through me. He could easily take her from us. I go to plead for her life when he laughs, startling us all.

“I like this one. She has fire.” He steps back. “Kill whoever you want, I do not care. The more that die, the better for me, but be careful, judge, because not every god likes you and your kind, and they would not accept your attitude. You caught me in a good mood, so I shall let it pass. Now go, before I grow tired of you. Conduct your sacred tasks.” He laughs once more. “And leave me to my dead.”

“Is that all you have? Dead?”

“Althea,” I hiss.

“Judge,” he warns, his voice filled with power, yet she stands against it.

“I simply meant that it must be lonely, my god.” There is respect in her tone at least.

The room is silent, and my cold, dead heart is beating in terror. “She does not know what she is saying—” I begin.

“Silence!” he roars at me, and I fly back through the air, hitting the wall.

“There is no need for a temper tantrum,” she scolds. “I was simply asking.”

“Why, judge? Are you volunteering to sate my boredom?” he asks, his voice careful. It’s a word game.

I see the others closing ranks around her. They will stand with her against the god of death. I hurry back over, feeling the broken bones from his blow mending as I stumble to her side.

“No,” she answers without fear in her tone. “I’m simply suggesting you should find someone who would.”

“Interesting,” he murmurs. “Even more interesting is the fact that these men are willing to stand against me for you.”

“They are mine,” she replies without reproach, “and I am theirs.”

“Oh, how foolish love makes people.” He chuckles. “Everyone dies in the end, little vampyr, and usually alone. At the end, all there is, is me. Remember that before you anger me again.” I groan when he cups her cheek with his mist, and she cries out. I go to attack, but she holds up her hand. “I see your purpose, your power. Oh, you will be tasty when you come to me, but for now, I will leave you be.” He steps back, and she sags. “Until next time, judges. I cannot wait for the souls you’ll send me.”

When his power is gone, I grab Althea and check her face. There’s a handprint there that fades as I watch. “Althea,” I snap, “he could have killed you.”

“So?” She shrugs, pulling her mask up and grinning at me. “He didn’t, and we have our permission.” Leaning in, she kisses my masked lips. “I’m starving. Let’s feed, shall we?”



“No.” I veto the dress, and Althea strips out of the gaudy orange number. “It should be red.”

“He’s right.” Conall nods, eating popcorn as we have a fashion show.

Azul nods seriously. “Then we could have matching red elements.”

Nathair taps his chin. “Osis, Lycus, what do you think?”

“Huh?” They both jerk their gazes from Althea’s ass, and Nathair sighs.