Page 99 of Unstoppable

“Okay, let’s regroup at the trucks to make a plan. We’ll observe tonight, and then tomorrow, we’ll attack.”

I leave Jonas to keep watch as I climb back down and meet at the trucks. An hour later, Nova appears, leaving Nico in position as well, just in case.

We all look through the pictures. It’s a fortress, that’s for sure, with electrified fences and gates. Soldiers guard the perimeter in shifts, and cameras are placed strategically around the area . . . and that’s only the stuff we can see.

It doesn’t matter, though, because we need to get in there and find the truth, destroy the research, and end this.

“Okay, we switch at five. Get some rest. I want to know everything about that place before we go in.”

“We go in tomorrow, right? I think under darkness would be better. They would be less likely to see us,” Nova murmurs.

“Maybe. Give me a few hours, and I’ll have a plan.”

“Yes, boss.” She winks. “Then I guess I’ll get some sleep.”

My eyes wander to her ass as she climbs into the back of the truck before I turn away. I need to concentrate despite the fact that I want to curl up behind her and hold her close, because I know one thing—we aren’t coming out of there unscathed.


Iswitch out with Jonas and watch the base for most of the night. The moon is shining down on it, and no matter how much I try, I see no weakness.

It’s impregnable, but if anyone can do it, it’s us.

We just have to get in. I’m almost frothing at the mouth to.

When Isaac comes to relieve me, I head back down to hear the plan, eating the canned food we pass around as Louis stares down at a map D made from the pictures. His eyebrows are deep slashes, and there are bags under his eyes. He clearly hasn’t slept, and I have no doubt that the same thing we are all thinking is keeping him up.

How are we going to get out of there after?

And if we do, will we all be in one piece?

It’s Louis’s job to keep us safe, or so he thinks, but it’s time I showed him he doesn’t have to.

“Talk through it out loud,” I call.

Louis’s head jerks up, and he looks around at us and then back at the map. Scrunching his face, he sits back heavily, his shoulders rounded with his responsibilities. I need him to smile, so I head over and sit on the ground between his thighs, feeling him soften. When his voice comes, though, it’s hard.

“We could disarm the alarms, if possible, and cut a hole in the fence, but it might be too noisy. We could try to talk our way in, or we could bust our way in. They all have cons and are too risky. I don’t like the odds.”

“You never do,” D says softly.

Looking up at him, I mull over his words. “There’s one more option.”

“What’s that?” he asks, looking down at me hopefully, almost begging for another way to do this.

“I think we can draw the soldiers out, set a fire or something and trigger the alarm system that lines the mountain side. When they come, we can knock them out, steal their uniforms and vehicles, and drive ourselves back in, Trojan horse style.”

For a moment, he just stares at me, calculating the odds, and then his mouth drops open. “Fucking hell, that just might work.” He yanks me up and slams his lips onto mine. Blinking, I meet his smouldering gaze. “You are too fucking clever, baby. When we finish this, I’ll remind you of that with my tongue in your cunt.”

“Erm, can I join?” D asks, making us laugh and break apart breathlessly.

“So that’s what we’ll do,” he murmurs. “It just might work. Okay, D—”

And so the plan forms.

There are still downsides and things that could go wrong, but we have to try.

None of us can live without succeeding.