Page 95 of Unstoppable

“Good, don’t, not ever,” she purrs, licking my lips until I part them for her, and then she bites down on my lip until I shiver in pleasure. “Stop doubting yourself, Nico. I don’t, and neither do the others. We will figure this out together, but I’m all in. We are in this together, and I’ll remind you whenever you need me to.”

Swallowing, I search her gaze before my hand grips the back of her head, spanning most of it since my hands are so big, and I slam my lips onto hers. I swallow her moan as she presses her hot chest against mine. My other hand kneads her ass and rocks her against my hard cock as I tangle my tongue with hers, showing her everything I wish I could say.

Telling her I love her too.

There is a groan behind us, and we pull apart, both leaping to our feet as we hurry to the soldier’s bedside. His eyelids are fluttering, and I quickly move to the door and call for the others.

“Where am I?” he rasps.

“You’re safe, hold on.”

“Not safe, coming. They are coming.” He gasps and begins to struggle.

“Who’s coming?” Nova snaps as Isaac slides into the room.

“The ones . . . The ones who did this to us,” the soldier grits out before passing out.

“He’s out cold,” Isaac observes. “Should have been for hours—”

We look at Louis then. “We have to trust his word, even if it’s wrong. Doc, get him ready. We are moving out and moving out now.”


Ikeep him stable as we load him into the plane, and after a few hours, we land near the mansion again and transport him there. When we arrive, Ana is ready, and the lab has been changed into a medical room. She helps me hook him up as I explain what he needs.

She’s clearly smart and capable, and I finally trudge upstairs, trusting her to care for him. Stripping, I jump into the shower.

The plane is going back for Louis and Nico, who stayed to pack our stuff, but we had to move fast just in case what he said was true. D did set up some cameras so we could keep watch, but so far nothing has happened, so I take the time to wash.

I watch blood swirl down the drain as exhaustion tugs at me. This week started out so well. I was happy and in love, surrounded by my family and my girl, and now I wash off the blood of an almost dead soldier who has been experimented on.

I know that the feeling of being lost and so far behind the man who is responsible for all of this is weighing on all of us.

I feel like a failure for not figuring it out and keeping the man downstairs safe.

For not being able to protect my family.

Like my misery calls to her, Nova wraps her arms around me from behind, her wet, naked, hot body pressing against me. I shiver and tears fall from my closed eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“No,” I admit, my voice choked. “Not at all.”

Turning me, she pulls my head to her chest, but I drop to my knees and press my forehead to her stomach. She strokes my hair and back as she whispers comforting words before falling to her knees and wiping my tears away. “You did everything you could.”

“Did I?” I whisper, searching her gaze.

I feel raw and weak.

“I feel like I failed everyone. We keep fighting, but is it enough? People are suffering, and I can’t save them.”

“You cannot save everyone,” she retorts, making me still. “We save who we can, but I will not let you lose or destroy yourself to selflessly save the world.”


“No, you are used to looking after everyone else, but I will look after you, Isaac. I will take care of you when you won’t. You did everything you could, and that’s what we will continue to do, but not at the expense of your happiness and soul. So tell me now, and we will stop and turn our backs.”

“We can’t—”