Page 91 of Unstoppable

Are the fatigues even his?

The door bursts open, and Jonas instantly aims his gun at the man. “Don’t,” I command sharply as Louis storms in. I look up at him. “Get Isaac, he’s dying.”

“Shit,” Louis calls out and then comes closer. “Are you okay?” he asks me as he regards the man carefully.

I nod, looking back at him. “I think he’s like us. I think he’s an experiment, and they left him to die.”

* * *

We wait nervously while Isaac works on the man. Louis helped carry him to the closest lab, and once there, they stripped him and quickly started working on putting the soldier back together again. He has so many incisions, and he had sewn himself so badly, Isaac actually swears. He spends hours putting in drips, fluids, and sedatives before cutting and sewing him. Isaac cleans his wounds and dresses them before checking him over.

We wait the whole time, and when Isaac comes out, exhausted and coated in blood, I straighten. “Well?”

“He’ll live, but barely. I have no idea how he survived what he did. He has been tortured and experimented on, and the bastards must have left him cut open. He tried to close the wound. He’s dehydrated, in shock, and his body is shutting down. If we didn’t find him when we did, he would have been dead.”

“Did he say anything to you?” Louis asks me.

“Only that we found what we were looking for,” I murmur, my gaze on the deathly still man. He looks massive on the table, and I turn to Isaac. “You find anything?”

“Dog tags and a tattoo. He’s military alright. Since when do they experiment on active soldiers?” he snarls.

“I don’t know, but we need to find out. I want someone on him at all times in case he wakes and attacks. I also want Isaac here too. The rest of us will gather everything and start to figure out what the fuck happened here,” Louis orders.

“I’ll stay.” I nod when Louis arches an eyebrow. “I’ll be fine.”

He pulls me in and kisses me quickly before barking orders, and the others hurry to their tasks. Isaac sighs, and I melt into his side for a moment.

“What did they do to him?” I ask softly.

“What didn’t they do? I don’t even know how he’s alive. He’s one tough son of a bitch, that’s for sure. I hope he survives. I really do.”

“Me too,” I murmur, squeezing his hand as he goes back in to keep an eye on his patient while I take up guard in the corner of the room, but I don’t think he’s a threat.

Not from the anger I saw in his eyes when he fell.

He’s just as much of a victim as us, and he hates it.


“Do you think he’ll wake up?” Annie asks through the phone, worrying her lip and even in the tiny screen I can sense her anxiety.

I’m sitting on an uncomfortable chair with my legs thrown over the side, the unconscious soldier still sleeping soundly despite Isaac stopping the sedative hours ago. We decided to stay until he wakes, and then we will be able to move him without hurting him. It means we are all on high alert, sleeping and patrolling in shifts. I refuse to leave the soldier’s side, though, knowing he’ll need a familiar face when he wakes up.

I glance back at his sleeping form and sigh. “I’m not sure. He is clearly strong if he survived what they have done to him.”

“Poor man.” Annie frowns with tears in her eyes. “What are you going to do with him if he wakes?”

“I don’t know,” I admit honestly. “He will need to be debriefed, but he’s not good to us like this. He needs to heal somewhere safe, where they can’t get to him.”

She nods, her eyes hardening as she straightens in bed. I see her laptop and work spread out around her, and there are circles under her eyes. I’m worried, but she ignored my question about her resting. “You should bring him here. I can look after him. After all, it’s my specialty. I can help him heal and work through his PTSD.”

“Annie.” I sigh. “It’s dangerous. They will look for him—”

“Then they will have to go through me,” she snaps before scrubbing at her face. “I need to help.”

“You are,” I murmur.

“More than this. I can do this, Nova. It’s who I am. I heal. Let me heal him. Our father did this to that poor man, so his daughter should save him. You can’t, since you need to be out there stopping this, but I can, and this will be the last place they’ll look.”