Page 52 of Unstoppable

The sound burrows into my heart, another scar to add to my collection.

I stop before her, kneeling as her tear-stained face and hopeless eyes lift to see me. “I-I didn’t know,” she whispers, her voice ragged. “I swear, Nova, I didn’t know.”

“I know you didn’t.” I take her hands in mine, brushing off the gravel and rubbing them to stop them from hurting—an automatic response to her pain. “I never wanted you to. I thought by not knowing, I could protect you from it. From him.”

Her eyes close for a moment. “Everything was a lie.”

Leaning in, I press a kiss to her head like when we were kids. “Not everything, sis. Not us. Never us.”

I simply hold her as she cries into my chest, her hands pulling me closer as another piece clicks into place in my heart. I look at my men who are gathered at the door, protecting me from afar.

And since I arrived, I smile for the first time.


Ana’s hands shake as she grips the mug and takes a sip. Her face is still pale, and she’s in shock. Her eyes go to Nova, as if she’s worried she will disappear. I know the feeling. She sits in silence on the sofa. I’m opposite her on the other one, and Jonas is stretched out next to me, still glaring at her.

I know that feeling too. He’s still angry at the woman who hurt our Nova, but she was a child, and she didn’t know better. Then I remember how adamantly she fought her, and how she didn’t even believe her for a moment, and that anger does not fully dissipate. Nova might love her, but that leaves her open to getting hurt, so we will protect her from everyone, even her sister.

Nico blocks the door, as if worried she will run again. Isaac watches her worriedly before looking at Nova with open admiration. Dimitri is tapping his fingers in the corner, clearly wanting to be at the computer but staying for Nova, who hurries back in and wraps a blanket around Ana, protecting her yet again.

But did she ever protect Nova?


After five more minutes of silence, Ana lets out a breath, places the cup down, and turns to her sister. “I need to know everything.”

“There is a lot. Ask whatever you want. I have no secrets.” Nova sits opposite her sister on the sofa, one leg bent up with her arm thrown over the back. She appears casual, but I see the tremble of nerves and the tightness of her body. I wish I could lessen what she’s feeling.

“Do not harm her more than you already have.” I lean forward, and Ana jerks her gaze to me. “Remember, Nova still has to live with this, so do not make it worse just to settle your curiosity.”

“Louis.” Nova sighs, but I shake my head.

“No, I don’t care if she is your sister. She doesn’t have our loyalty; you do. We will protect you, even from her.” I want her to realise how serious I am, and the smile that curls up her lips steals my breath.

“Then let’s start with who they are,” Ana says, nodding in understanding at me, so I settle back. If she takes this too far, she’s gone.

Nova hesitates and looks at us, so I incline my head, telling her to let her in on the secret. “The other children.” She blows out a breath. “I wasn’t the only child Father experimented on. He had children all around the world, from different walks of life, but they had one thing in common—no one cared if we were hurt or missing.”

“But why?” Ana asks.

“He wanted to expand the human mind,” Nova repeats before she shakes her head. “But the truth is, he used us, experimented on us, for his own gain. For research. He liked playing God. There were more, but they didn’t make it. For the last few years, I’ve been on the run to avoid him and his clutches, just trying to survive and keep you safe, but with his death, a chain of events was set into motion. They found me”—she grins at us—“and chased me down to prove who they were. Together, we are going to stop his research once and for all.”

“But he’s dead. It’s stopped,” Ana protests.

“No, it hasn’t. It’s still happening. Children are still being hurt, and we are going to put an end to that. We are going to destroy it all, and his name will go down in the history books for what he truly was. That’s why we are here, in his lab, looking for our next location, our next research facility.”

Ana looks shocked and seems to be absorbing it before she looks around. “He hurt you all too?”

I incline my head. Nico grunts, and Isaac offers a gentle, “Yes.” Dimitri just looks away, and Jonas snorts. “Quick on the uptake.” He looks at Nova, his eyes softening. Later on, I need to address where they were and why they came out looking rumpled. Jealousy roars through me before I seal it up. “Are you sure she’s your sister, baby?”

Ana blinks. “Baby?” she repeats.

Nova flips Jonas off, but he just laughs. “Questions, Ana,” she reminds her.

“Right.” Ana sits up, flicking off nonexistent lint, and I see the calculation in her gaze. She’s now the scientist, not the scared child.

For the next hour, Nova answers question after question about the science, their father’s co-workers, the experiments, and everything and anything in between. I butt in when it gets too hard for her, and Ana deftly avoids those conversations. That’s when I realise something else. She recognises the signs of PTSD and abuse now, and she seems to know how to deal with them.Strange.Why didn’t she notice them before? Or was she purposely blinding herself to them with her hatred?