Page 45 of Unstoppable

“About time.” I grin, and then there’s no room for talking as they turn and come at me faster than I thought possible. They aren’t normal guards, and this isn’t typical fighting. I should have remembered that. They are like me—stronger, faster, and harder—but fuck if that isn’t a turn-on. It’s an actual challenge for once. I don’t have to hold back the strength of my punches. I split Jonas’s lip, where that blow would have knocked someone else out. Nico’s punch to the gut only winds me, where it would have taken anyone else down.

Jonas kicks out the backs of my knees, and the pain is sharp. I fall forward, hitting the floor with my bare hands and rolling as they follow me. I roll back and forth to avoid their kicks before stopping in front of Nico. I grab his foot as he brings it down, grinning up at him. I twist, and he growls, having no choice but to turn with it or break his foot. He spins away, and I sweep Jonas’s legs out, watching him tumble as I climb to my feet.

I’m panting slightly, and my body is lit up with excitement. For some reason, a thought flickers through my head

If this is how they fight, imagine how they fuck . . .

That idea distracts me enough that Jonas manages to grab me and lift me into the air with a hand on my throat, squeezing so hard I gasp. I slam my hands down in a V, but it doesn’t affect him as his eyes smoulder up at me. “I think I’ll let them all watch as I take my prize,” he says before he throws me.

Instead of hitting a wall, I hit a solid chest as arms catch me midair.


His mouth meets my ear, and somewhere along the way, this fight has charged with sexual tension strong enough that I could cut it with a knife. I feel his very hard, very big cock pressed against my ass as he holds me, letting me feel just how much he is enjoying this.

“Maybe I’ll join in,” he murmurs into my ear before bringing me down in what I can only describe as a WWE move to the floor. Groaning, I stumble to my feet and wipe my mouth as my heart skips a beat.

“Fine, you want to play like this?”

“Oh shit,” someone whispers. “It’s about to get good.”

“I think I should leave,” Bert mutters.

“Good call,” someone else replies, but I focus on Nico, who’s coming at me again. They want to win just as much as I do. It’s not in our nature to submit or give in, so I fight back, even though I’m starting to realise the odds are stacked against me.

They are fucking superhuman.

They don’t stop.

I try to tease them like they teased me, but it doesn’t work because they are so focused on winning.

I dodge one attack, only to fall into another. I do manage to bust Nico’s ribs and take them down to the floor, but they just get back up. I can tell they feel the same as we dance around the foyer. They are both panting, covered in cuts and blood, as I get back to my feet again despite the pain and exhaustion flowing through me.

“Fuck, you can take some punches,” Jonas remarks breathlessly, his hands on his knees and head bent down so his hair falls into his face. He straightens with a groan and cracks his back. “Come on, let’s finish this.”

“My thoughts exactly,” I retort.

Nico nods, blood running from his nose. They share a look again, and then we are back at it, clashing in the middle. I duck their punches and jump over their kicks, giving as good as I get. One movement slides seamlessly into the next, mixing martial arts together. I bust open Jonas’s nose, and Nico splits my lip. I kick Nico back to a wall and take Jonas down, grabbing a piece of broken vase and pressing it against his neck with a grin. “Submit.”

“You,” comes a growl, and I feel a sharp edge of a glass vase pressed to my own neck.

Laughing, I toss the glass away and get to my feet as Nico does the same. “Well, shit, it’s a draw.” Louis sounds shocked.

“Good fight, boys.” I hold out a hand to Jonas, who is grinning madly at me. He accepts it but pulls me down so I sprawl across him with a groan. Gripping my head, he gives me a hard, swift kiss that leaves me breathless and clears all thoughts from my head.

“Since I didn’t win, I at least get that.” He smirks and then rolls us to our feet, putting me on mine as I gawk at him. “Well, look at that, I finally shut her up.”

Rolling my eyes, I swallow my shock. I’m about to walk away when Nico grabs me, spins me back to him, and tilts his head down. I freeze, thinking he’s about to kiss me as well, but his tongue darts out and traces the cut on my lip, tasting my blood. The stinging sensation makes me gasp as he pulls back slightly.

“I’ll collect my kiss when I’m ready,” he whispers and then spanks me. “Go get washed up, it’s time to eat.”

Unsure what the hell just happened, I blink and accept the clothes Dimitri holds out to me. “I’ve never seen anyone lose against either of them separately, never mind together,” he tells me, stroking my ego, which is bruised.

“He’s right.” Louis nods. “Now back to work.” He claps.

I nod at them with a small smile, happy they aren’t watching me strangely after Jonas’s kiss and Nico’s near miss, before I hurry to the stairs where Isaac is standing.

With my clothes tossed over my shoulder, I stop beside Isaac as he hands me a warm mug. I meet his eyes over it. “Are you okay?”