Page 35 of Unstoppable

“I don’t want it, any of it,” I tell her. “I have my own life, my own things. It’s all yours, I promise, I just need to get something—”

“I don’t want it. Congratulations, Nova. As usual, you get all the attention and everything you ever wanted.” With that spiteful comment, she flees, leaving me staring after her. Everything I ever wanted? All I ever wanted was to be happy, to be safe, and to be with her again.


My eyes lock on the retreating form of Nova’s sister, my fists clenched at my sides. I wanted to chase after her and demand that she listen to Nova, but how can I make her see when she is so blind to the truth? So lost in the love of her father that she doesn’t see the ghost of the woman he broke before her. When I glance back, it’s to see Nova’s stricken face before she shuts it down, turning that emotion inwards. I never had a family or siblings to care for.

To love and miss.

Nova did—does, and to see them turn their back on you? It must be indescribable. I want to scream at her sister and tell her what Nova went through to keep her safe, but as I go to chase her down, Nova’s voice cuts through the air like a command.


I look back, and she shakes her head at me sadly, as if knowing what I was going to do. “Let her go. She has every right to feel the way she feels. She owes me nothing. It’s probably better if she hates me anyway.”

“She doesn’t know,” I snarl, getting angry on her behalf. For a moment, I see sadness in her eyes before they turn cold again, but she can’t fool me. I saw the hope, pain, and heartbreak written there.

“And she never will. It would break her heart more than I ever could,” she replies before sighing. “Let’s just find the fucking lab and leave this bloody place so I can burn it down once and for all.”

“We must insist you find the lab also,” a soldier sneers, uncaring about the fact that Nova is clearly upset and already feeling triggered by being in this fucking awful horror house.

Louis throws them a withering look as Isaac moves over to Nova, whispering in her ear. She smiles slightly, and jealousy pounds through me for a moment before I toss it aside. There is no room for jealousy here, and I’m glad he got her to smile. When he leans back, she nods, squeezing his shoulder.

“It’s down here, if I remember correctly.” She turns and freezes for a moment, blinking at the dark, empty corridor. We all move closer, knowing the signs—after all, we struggle with them too.

“Nova?” I murmur.

“Yeah, sorry,” she whispers, but her voice is shaky. “Fuck, I hate this place.”

“We do not have time for memory fucking lane,” one of the soldiers snaps.

I turn to knock him out, but Nico beats me, fisting his hands in the man’s shirt. “You do not get to fucking speak to her. You know nothing of what we survived. If I hear one more word come from your mouth, I’ll rip out your tongue and give it to her as a gift,” he snarls, and then with an effortless move, he launches the man across the reception area and right out of the front door, where we hear him hit the car. The alarm sounds as he groans. Turning back to us, he winks at Nova.

“Just taking out the rubbish.”

I can’t help but laugh, and she does too, even as the other soldiers start barking orders and surroundings us.

It’s going to be a long day.


Istare at Nico, extremely turned on by that display. I shouldn’t be, since it was angry and chaotic, but I hear the man scream, and shit, it has my pussy clenching as I look at his bulging muscles. It’s only when another soldier clears his throat as the others leave to fetch their comrade when I turn back around. I shake my head, remembering that there is no time for flirting or even figuring out if Nico would throw me like that.

My steps are slow as I make my way down the corridor. I feel their eyes on my hunched back and sense their worry, and it only fills me with shame. They think I’m weak and stupid—


It’s my father’s voice and insecurities rearing their heads, so I push them back, knowing they are only concerned about me. There is something about shared trauma that bonds people. I trust them more than I ever knew was possible because we are the same—same wounds, scars, fears, and hopes. They would never judge me, only support me, and that level of trust and support has me standing up taller, knowing I can do this. I have to so I can find peace, not just for me, but for them. We also need to finish this and stop what my father did, so it can end with us.

My steps become steadier, my hand dragging down the wall as I walk. The shakiness disappears once I realise their strength is my strength and that I’m not alone anymore. My father’s ghost can’t hurt me here. They won’t let it.

The hallway turns darker the deeper we go, and memories assault me from every corner, but I grit my teeth and force myself through them. They cling to me like the cobwebs in this house. Those silky strands wrap tighter around me until each step is heavy and dragging.

His grip tightens on my too young hand, tugging me down the corridor. I dig my feet in, not wanting to, a wordless whine on my lips. My eyes dart around behind the blindfold desperately, seeking help.

Seeking something that won’t come.

Someone to save me.