Turning, I grab water and press the cup to her lips, tipping it. She drinks as she watches me.
“Only sip a little. We don’t want you to be sick,” I caution.
Nodding, she pulls away and sighs. “What happened?” she asks, her voice clear now.
“The overload was too much for your brain, and it caused you to pass out. I’m so sorry about that. I have flushed the drugs from your system and helped rehydrate you. You may feel weak for a little while, so you need to rest.” I sigh when she slides to the edge of the bed and arches an eyebrow as if to challenge me on that.
“You’re not going to rest, are you?” I murmur even as a smile curves my lips.
“Nope, not my style, doc.” She winks then stretches, groaning when her bones pop. It’s obvious she doesn’t like to feel weak, and resting in bed isn’t Nova’s style despite how much she clearly needs it. I wonder if she has ever let her soul rest or heal a single day in her life.
“Well, that was fun,” she deadpans.
“Your sarcasm is intact, so you’ll be okay.”
She laughs. “That’s your opinion, doc.”
“It certainly is. Now—”
I’m interrupted when the door opens. I glance over and harden my expression, the teasing words dying on my lips. Sitting up straighter, Nova follows my gaze and stiffens. Every inch of weakness and embarrassment disappears, until only Nova the fighter exists.
The rest of my team stands there, their expressions a mixture of relief and worry as they stare at her—apart from Jonas who grins at her suggestively.
“Nice. Glad you didn’t die before I got to fuck you.”
I shake my head, and Nico smacks him. It makes her laugh, though, before the last person’s voice interrupts—the general.
The asshole didn’t care if she was okay. To him, she’s disposable and only as useful as what she can provide. We all are, and he’s made that very obvious, hence why everyone is on guard around him.
Louis’s eyes tighten as he steps forward, ignoring the general’s disgusted snort and obvious impatience. “Are you okay?” Louis asks.
“I’m fine.”
Even if she wasn’t, I doubt she would admit it in front of the general, whom she clearly doesn’t trust or like.
“Great, now do you have the location?” the man in question demands, uncaring about her health. She ignores him and looks at Louis, which makes him smile.
“Do you remember the location, Nova?” Louis repeats kindly.
She shrugs. “I do.”
“We have to know. Tell us,” the general demands greedily.
Louis’s eyes cut to him in a gesture only we would understand. Nova inclines her head slowly and looks right at the military man.
“I know it, but I won’t tell you.” He starts to sputter as she grins. “I’ll show you.”
Clever girl. She just ensured she has to come with us so we can guarantee everything is done properly.
It infuriates him, and he starts to storm away. “We leave in two hours. Make sure she is ready,” he snarls just before the door shuts behind him.
Nova slumps. “Guess we are going on a road trip,” she comments in the tension-filled room.
“Isaac, double-check her. If she isn’t ready, we can wait. I will deal with him,” Louis promises.
“I’m fine,” she snaps, but he ignores her, knowing she won’t admit if she’s not. “I will get us all ready. Once we’re on the road, we all stay together.”
He doesn’t say why, but it’s obvious.