“You were fantastic.” He sighs lovingly, making me smile slightly.
“When we found another dead kid and we first came together, I lost it,” Isaac tells me.
“And when Nico was hurt while we were hunting your father years ago, I tortured four men to get answers,” Louis says.
“I just like to kill everything . . . everything but you guys.” Jonas grins.
“You might be dangerous, deadly, fucking wild, and messed up, but we all are, Nova,” Louis tells me, “and you would do anything to keep our family safe, just like we would. This just proves it, so trust us. We will always be right behind you, watching your back.”
“And feel free to use your blade on me anytime.” Jonas chuckles.
Sighing, I close my eyes and bang my head back against the wall. “Are they all dead?”
“Oh yeah, baby.” Nico chuckles. “They are very fucking dead, but we are going to be too if we don’t start moving,” he reminds us.
D’s voice sounds in my ear. “Nova, listen to them. What we do to protect our family is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is what you are and what you’re capable of. If you are a monster, then so are we, and I love that you fight every day just to survive. After all, not everyone could.” I feel the name on his lips.
“But Nico is right; we need to keep moving. Soldiers are trying to bash through the doors right now, and we need to get to the labs before they end any of their experiments or anyone makes a getaway.”
“I’m here. I’m okay.” I shake it off and straighten, and Louis searches my gaze before nodding, trusting me.
“Then let’s do this.” Louis plucks the blade from the ground and hands it over, while Isaac offers me my guns which are now reloaded. I take them carefully, blood coating my hands and arms.
Isaac leans in and kisses me deeply. “I love you too,” he murmurs, “and when this is over, I’ll show how much that meant to me.”
Smiling, I push from the wall and step over the bodies, not sparing them another look.
Maybe it should haunt me and killing should be harder, but it’s not.
It’s almost too easy when it’s for my men and to stop what my father started.
Shaking my head, I refocus as we head upstairs and into a whole different level. This one is filled with labs and hiding scientists. I see some running, but I pay them no mind. They won’t get far, and they can’t hurt us.
Not now.
I keep to the middle to allow my heart to slow as we break into pairs without orders. The first lab is empty, bar a partially cut open body of a soldier on the bed, which makes me snarl. I grab a sheet and cover him gently, which is the least I can do for him for now. The next room has a scientist, and he throws us a panicked look as he plunges a needle into the neck of an unconscious soldier who’s tied down.
“No!” I yell as I rush him, shoving him away. I grab the needle and lift it. It’s half full. “What’s in this?”
He tilts his head back, even as his eyes dart around for an escape.
“Tell me,” I roar in his face.
“It is to kill him. It’s painless. The research is to be destroyed rather than taken,” he stammers.
“Research? Research? He is a person!” I scream before lowering my voice. “Let’s see how truly painless it is,” I sneer and stab it down into his neck, depressing the plunger. He falls back with a yell and yanks it out, covering the wound with his hand as I watch with a cruel twist of my lips.
It doesn’t take long. He drops to his knees, his mouth opening and closing as he wheezes like he can’t breathe. His entire body shakes before turning into full-blown seizures, causing him to froth at the mouth before he stills.
“I guess not very,” I spit before turning. Nico is standing with his fingers pressed against the soldier’s neck, and when I ask silently, he shakes his head.
Grinding my teeth, I hurry to the final lab, meeting Louis and Jonas there.
I need to save just one person from this hellhole.
Only, there is just a scientist standing there in his white coat, and his eyes are hard as he watches us.