Page 92 of Unstoppable

I follow her logic and sigh. “I’ll propose it to the others, but no promises. The military will probably want him back.”

She scoffs then, her eyes flashing with fire. “And you know what they will do. He will go missing.” Her blonde hair flips as she glares at me. “Over my dead body.”

“When you’re mad, we are awfully similar.” I grin, and she barks out a laugh.

“God, I hope so.” We share a grin as I look her over.

“How are you really, Annie?”

“I should be asking you that.” She arches an eyebrow at me. “Though in all honesty, despite the anger you are clearly feeling, you look . . . good, healthy, and happy.” There’s clearly a question in her words, and I look out of the glass door but see none of the others.

“I am,” I hedge.

“Tell me!” she gushes, flipping onto her stomach, and I can’t help but grin.

Is this girl talk? Sharing stories about boys with my sister?

I can’t help the twinge of happiness that goes through me despite the situation.

“Come on, spill the dirt, which guy is it? They are all very attractive, if not terrifying.” That makes me laugh, and I lower my voice.


“All?” Her eyes widen before she laughs, smacking the bedding. “Fuck yes.” She pops her hand over her mouth at the curse before grinning. “You never did anything by halves.”

“I guess not.” I grin.

Her cheeks redden as she looks at me. “All of them . . . together?”

“Sometimes.” I wink as she blushes. “But it’s more than that, Annie. They fill something inside me I didn’t know I needed. I was so lonely and so scared all the time, always on the move, and they . . .”

“Fill that,” she murmurs knowingly.

I nod. “They make me happy. They make me laugh. They make me forget about my past, even for a moment, and they happily use my skills and support me. They hold me through my nightmares and fight at my side. I’ve never felt something like this before, never mind for more than one person. It can’t work, surely.”

“Who said so?” she snaps. “People have multiple wives or partners. Do whatever the fuck makes you happy, Nova. God knows you deserve it.”

“I—” I look away, and she calls my name. When I look back, she wears a determined expression.

“Do they make you happy?” she demands.

“Yes,” I reply without hesitation.

“Do you love them?” she asks.

“Yes.” I shock myself with that answer, and she grins.

“Then that’s all that matters. Fuck what anyone else thinks. You all need each other. I saw that when I met them. They need you, and you need them. Together, you’re just . . . stronger. Stop fighting that and accept it. Some love is just meant to be unconventional, and you might have been brought together by a common cause and traumas, but it will be love that keeps you together. You’ll have to fight for it, but you’ve always been good at that.”

“When did you get so wise?” I croak.

“I always was.” She winks.

I lick my lips. “What if they don’t love me back? What if they leave?”

“You cannot control how others feel or what might happen in the future, only what happens now. Are you going to let your fears and doubts stop you from finding happiness, even if it will possibly end in the future?” I shake my head, and she nods. “Good, then stop doubting yourself and getting in your own way. You’re brave, Nova, so be so now. Plus, I saw those men. They are head over heels in love with you. You’re never getting away, so stop worrying and just enjoy it, and let your little sister live vicariously through you.”

I laugh at that. “I have missed you so much.”