I almost come just from the threat. He tightens his hand on my throat, using all of his strength. Dominance pours from him in waves, and usually I would fight it, needing to be in control, but something about Louis gives me the strength to let that go and just be in the moment, trusting him to keep me safe and happy.
That terrifies me, and he watches the emotions play across my face before leaning in and kissing me softly—a promise of what is to come. He won’t let me back away or hide.
Not this time.
As much as whatever is happening between us all scares me, the thought of living without them now terrifies me even further.
* * *
Louis leaves me after that, no doubt checking on the others.
He leaves me to my muddled emotions and clenching sex.
After changing out of my plane clothes and taking a whore’s bath in the sink, I slip on some ripped black jeans with a white top tucked in loosely, and then I add a belt and some black boots. I even brush my hair and apply lip gloss and grab some shades, just in case. As I’m about to head downstairs, my phone vibrates, so I sit on the bed and accept the call from Ana.
“Hey,” she says then hesitates. “I just wanted to check in and see how you are.” I pull the phone away with raised eyebrows before putting it back to my ear.
“Yeah, we are all okay,” I admit slowly. I am unsure what to say, not wanting to make her mad again.
“Okay, where are you now?” she asks, clearly nervous and trying to start a conversation.
“Scotland. We got another hit. The last one, well, they were dead, and it was all ruined. Let’s leave it at that. How are you getting on?” I find myself lying back, feeling awkward at first, but as the conversation goes on, I smile, missing this connection between my sister and me. Although we have a lot to work on to trust each other again, this is a start. She reached out, and that makes me beyond happy.
“Hard,” she grumbles. “His writing is worse than a doctor’s—oh, wait.” She laughs, and I laugh with her. “But I’ll get there, I’ve been sending anything I’ve managed to translate to Louis, which isn’t much yet.”
“You’ll get there; you always do. Let’s be honest, you’re smarter than me or Dad, so there is nothing you can’t do if you just put your mind to it.” I find myself needing to comfort her. I love my sister, and everything I’ve done is for her. Although I’m starting to put myself first and I’m still upset about what happened, I can’t just stop loving her.
She will always be my Annie.
“Why are you always so nice to me? Nova, for so long, I pushed away memories of you because it hurt too much. I was angry, but under it was pain. I forgot how you used to tuck me in every night and make up these elaborate stories. I forgot you would hold me when I cried or clean my cuts or create these incredible worlds for us to play in so I didn’t feel lost and alone when Dad ignored us, which was always.”
“Annie,” I murmur, the old nickname just slipping out, but she interrupts me.
“No, you need to hear this. The point is . . . I forgot. I forgot everything you did for me out of my own selfishness, but I’m remembering now, and I’m so sorry. I am so sorry I ever doubted the girl who promised to protect me, who fought off bullies and protected me from falling from that stupid old tree.” I smile, remembering that day. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I will be for the rest of my life, and I’ll make it up to you because I missed you, Nova, so much. If you are willing to, I’d like us to be sisters again. I’d like to have a family again, with you.”
I remain quiet, and she swallows. “I—sorry, I shouldn’t have—” She sounds dejected.
Life is very much like the weather. You get some good days and some bad. When it’s sunny, you forget about the rain, and when it rains, you long for the sun. No matter how much she has hurt me, she will always be my sister, and she’s offering me something I’ve wanted for so long—to be together again.
Everything else is just rain. It’s beautiful and sometimes painful, but in the end, the sun always comes out.
“I would like that,” I admit softly. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Me too,” she replies.
I hear Jonas yell, and I grin. “I have to go, there’s work to be done, but I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Okay,” she replies softly.
“Make sure you eat and sleep, Annie,” I order as I stand.
“Yes, Mum,” she mocks like she used to when we were kids, the nostalgia quickening my heart rate as I rub the aching organ through my skin. “Love you, Nova.”
“Love you too, kid,” I reply before hanging up. There’s an extra bounce in my step as I head downstairs. Now I just need to destroy all of Father’s research, and everything will be good.
I find all the others waiting in the kitchen. D is in front of his laptop, which he closes and brings with him. I notice the temporary cameras and alarm systems and smirk. “Let’s do this, team!” I call, clapping my hands. They all groan, but they are grinning. I head for the door and out so we can go explore.
We end up walking around the centre of Edinburgh, window shopping and taking pictures. We even climb to the castle where I ask a tourist to take a picture of us all. The guys pick me up and hold me sideways, making me laugh, and the picture has me smiling as we finally find a small pub and sit down for some beers and food.