I raise my brow, but he just scrubs at his face, and it’s then I realise he looks tired. Not just now, but always, as if this life is slowly draining him. Was I so self-centred and locked in my own world that I didn’t notice my friend, my brother, was suffering too? I want to ask, but I know he will just close down further, so instead, I file it away for now.
“Same shit, different day. We need to find something soon. They already don’t trust us as it is, and I don’t trust them not to lock us up and throw away the key. Humans are good at that, hurting those they are scared of.”
Just then, there’s a beep on the computer. If I were a man who believed in fate, I would have said it was exactly that, but instead, I know it’s just a coincidence. Turning back, I raise my brows at what I’ve got.
“Well, we might have something. I’m finally into the encrypted files, so let’s take a look at what the good doctor felt he had to try and hide.”
Grinning, I let Isaac chase me to the main house. Nico catches me halfway, slinging me over his shoulder as he strides into the kitchen. Laughing harder, I smack his ass, and he does the same to me.
“Oh, hi, Bert,” I hear him say.
Mortification fills me as I lift myself to peer over at Bert who is just smiling like this is a normal occurrence. “Is anyone hungry?” he asks us.
“Starving,” Isaac replies, smirking over at me. The desire I see in his eyes makes me shiver where I’m perched on Nico, who spanks me again.
“I could always eat, especially something sweet,” Nico teases, but Bert is oblivious.
“I could make a fruit cocktail for you.” He looks around seriously. “Five minutes.”
“Add peach if you have it,” Isaac replies, licking his lips as he moves closer to me.
Okay. I slide from Nico’s back before they can cause me to self-destruct, and with withering glances at them both, I hurry away, but I can’t help but smile when I hear them bantering and laughing with each other. I soon sober up, though, as I move upstairs, heading to the shower, knowing I have leaves and dirt in my hair and clothes. At the top of the staircase, I hesitate and move to Ana’s bedroom door, peeking inside.
I need to check that she’s still here and that she’s okay.
She’s hunched over on her bed, with folders and documents spread out in an order only she’ll be able to understand. Her hair is pulled back in a clip, and her face is bare and locked in concentration. For a moment, I don’t see her now, but as she was when she was a kid. She would focus so hard on her homework to be the best and to understand as much as she could, always hungry for knowledge. Briefly, she’s not Ana, the grown woman, but Annie, the little girl I ached to protect from ever seeing the evil in this world.
Slowly, I shut the door and move away. After calling down to make sure Bert will send her some food and drink, I force myself into the bathroom. She’s not a little girl anymore, and she doesn’t need me there making sure she sleeps and eats. She needs me to trust her, and after I demanded that she trust me, I can offer her that much . . . right?
Once in the bathroom, I quickly strip and put my clothes in the basket. Turning on the shower, I wait for it to warm up as I look at myself in the mirror. There are leaves and twigs in my hair, my cheeks are flushed, and my eyes are bright. I look happy.
I look healthy.
If my dear old dad could see me now . . . With a self-deprecating snort, I hop into the shower, cranking the heat up to the point where it almost burns off my skin, and only then do I sigh, my eyes sliding closed as I just relax under the punishing spray.
My head is tilted back, and water sluices over my tired and aching muscles, and that’s when I feel it. I jump and try to spin, but hands grab mine before I can attack the intruder, and they are slammed to the wet tile of the bathroom wall.
I kick out, but a warm, hard naked leg wraps around mine, trapping me, and I freeze. Warm breath blows across my neck as the water continues to pound down on me, almost obscuring my vision as I blink away the water droplets.
It’s one of the guys, I know that, so I relax a little more. The force of his groan shakes my body as he presses against my back, letting me feel every hard inch of his body, including a massive hard cock prodding my ass.
I almost smirk, having my suspicions on who it is, but I play along, letting him lead this time.
Curling his hands in mine, he drops his head, his tongue darting out to lap at the water on my neck before he licks up to my ear. “Now, where were we, baby?”
I shiver at the hungry words.
“Well, by the feel of your cock, you were hoping to bend me over and fuck me, I’m guessing,” I tease, pushing my ass back to rub against him. I shouldn’t. I just fucked Isaac while Nico watched, but there’s a madness in Jonas that I crave. While Isaac softens me, and Nico encourages me, but Jonas? He frees me, meets me head-on, and I find myself licking my lips in anticipation. A savage hunger races through me so suddenly, it steals my words.
“Or maybe I was imagining just slamming you up against this wall and fucking that tight little cunt until you scream for me again.” He grunts, bucking his hips against my ass. “But I’ll take you how I can get you, baby. So tell me, Nova, are you wet for me?”
“Why don’t you find out?” I taunt, but my words are breathless. Anticipation floods through me, making me tremble with the need I feel for this man and a hunger they all seemed to have awakened.
Don’t get me wrong, I love sex, but it’s never felt like this before. Maybe it’s because I know I can fully let go with them because I can trust them.