Ana finally sits back, drained of questions and looking exhausted. “I just can’t believe”—she shakes her head—“that he did this, that he got away with it. That I never noticed.”
“He was good at playing the perfect, doting father,” Nova comforts her, easing her guilt when she shouldn’t. Ana was a kid, that’s true, but so was Nova.
“So what now?” Ana asks.
“Now?” Nova repeats in confusion. “Now nothing, you go back to your life—”
“I can’t do that.” She sits up, forcing Nova to blink. “I can’t. I need to help. I need to make this right. Our father—he was a monster; you’re right. We need to stop what they are doing.”
“We?” I repeat, looking her over. “You have no skills that are of use to us, and everything you know is from us. You don’t know the locations or anything of use. You aren’t as fast, strong, or capable as us. Go back to your life.”
“No.” She meets my eyes, and I see a spark of Nova there. “I will make this right. I will protect my sister.”
“Ana,” Nova starts, but I lean forward, a tiny spark of respect starting to form for the younger woman. She might not have known then, but she does now, and she’s choosing to help us.
“I can read my father’s research. I worked with him for years—not on this, but I can read it. I can help,” Ana reasons. “Please, let me make this right.”
I can see Nova doesn’t want her involved in this and wants to protect her, but she deserves the same rights as us. “Fine, you can help with the research, but that is all, understand?”
She nods quickly, determination on her face. “I can help.” She seems to be telling herself that.
“You won’t get in the way, do you understand?” I demand, and she nods again. I see fear in her eyes as she looks at us. Good, she should fear us because her sister is quickly becoming our whole world, and we won’t lose her, and anyone who stands in the way of that or jeopardises that won’t have our mercy. “What kind of scientist are you?”
“I work with the brain.” She blushes. “Mainly the effects of war and PTSD. I work with veterans . . . ,” she trails off. “Ironic, I know.”
Tell me about it.
Nova looks at her sister with nothing but pride as I sit back. “Dimitri, show her to the lab.”
He turns to face me, not looking at her. “I won’t work with her there,” he snaps.
“D, please.” Nova stands, going over to him.
“No, Nova,” he retorts. “She hurt you. She didn’t believe you. I won’t.”
Ana looks like she’s about to cry, but we all watch as Nova stops before D and their heads bend together. They whisper before she sighs and looks back at me, defeat in her expression.
“Fine. Ana, you will take the research to your room here.”
Ana nods, looking at Dimitri in shock before bowing her head, shame in her expression. I stand, and Dimitri slips from the room. I follow him before nodding at the others. I need to talk to him. He’s hurting, and he’s protective of Nova, but I can’t let him get lost in his grief again. Not like with Bass.
“Nova.” I look back at her, silently communicating for a moment before speaking. “Look after them for a moment.” I narrow my eyes on Nico and Jonas. “Do not kill her sister; it would hurt her.”
It’s the only thing that would appeal to them. I know that. If I’d said it was wrong, they would have laughed. If I’d argued she didn’t know, they wouldn’t care.
They will do nothing to hurt Nova, however, and I see my order hits its mark, even as Ana pales, realising she’s surrounded by killers.
“Now, back to our mission. We have information to find, so let’s not waste time.” I slip from the room, intent on protecting my family.
Including Nova.
Iwatch Louis go, my heart racing from the look he gave me. It told me he would protect me no matter what. I look around and realise they all would, even from her. Dimitri was so adamant about hating her for what she did to me, he refused to listen to reason, and even gentle Isaac doesn’t seem happy with her.
“Would . . . Would they really kill me?” Ana asks, fear in her voice.
“Yes.” I won’t lie to her. “So don’t give them a reason to.” I move to Nico and meet his angry gaze. He eventually looks at me. “He’s right. If you kill her, you will ruin me in a way my father never could.” He flinches, and I kiss his cheek.