Clearing my throat, I look away. I caught a glimpse of her body despite knowing it was wrong, and what I saw will stay in my mind longer than any bad dream or nightmare her father imprinted there.
“Well, at least he brought me a bra,” she teases, and when I look over, she’s slipping into a leather jacket. She looks unbelievably sexy and badass in skintight black jeans, a high lace bra under a white tank top, and boots.
I thought Dimitri was supposed to help Jonas.
The pervs.
“Good, then if you’re ready, we should go.” I stand and approach her. “If you can’t do this, we will understand and fight against the general on your behalf.”
“No, I can do this. I want to do this. Just . . . don’t leave me, okay? I have a feeling this is going to be hard.”
“Never,” I promise, knowing how hard it was for her to ask. “We will never leave you alone again, Nova.” I take her hand and kiss it.
“Then it’s time to go home.”
When we find the others, they are waiting at the exit elevator, all geared up in black. Jonas wears a matching leather jacket—he winks at me when I notice—with some black leather trousers and no shirt. I see a lot of weapons on his body; he doesn’t even try to disguise them. Dimitri is at his side in a long-sleeved black shirt, slacks, and trainers. Isaac nipped on the way to change, and now he sports a black denim jacket, trousers, and shirt. Louis looks every bit the commander in utility pants, which are tucked into black boots, and a black T-shirt that showcases his very hard muscles.
“We look like the Care Bear version of an assassin squad,” I tease.
“Maybe we need matching uniforms with nicknames.” Jonas smirks. “I would be BD, short for Big Dick.”
“Enough,” Louis snaps.
Turning, I see four soldiers heading our way in formation. At least they are dressed in plain clothes, but Christ, the way they move gives them away. They are all stiff, hard, and uncomfortable. It’s clear they don’t like working with us as much as the general.
“We have been ordered to accompany you,” the one at the front says. He has greying hair, crow’s feet around his eyes, and a mole above his lip. He’s also clearly older than the rest and in charge, if the sharpness of his order was anything to go by. “The general said there are to be no arguments. We are to report straight to the address here and then back to this bunker. No stops, no interruptions. Nothing but the mission.” He narrows his eyes like he expects us to fight him on it.
“Sir, yes, sir!” Jonas calls, saluting him mockingly. “Would you also like to search my anal cavity for tracking devices?”
The man narrows his eyes and looks at Louis. “Control your people or I will report that they are not needed.”
A tense staring match begins, so I step between them. “They are needed. If they don’t go, I won’t, and without me, you cannot access the estate or the lab. The general might have ordered you, but we are in charge here, so watch your tone, stay silent, and follow us if you must, but don’t get in my fucking way, toy soldiers.”
“Watch who you talk to like that, street rat, or we’ll put you back where we found you,” the soldier sneers.
That, of course, doesn’t sit well with us.
I hear them all move, snarling as they form a line behind me. They stand at my back and side, defending me.
It’s something I’ve never had before.
It’s nice, even though my neck does prickle from their proximity. “Are we going to have a problem here?” Nico snaps. “Because we could easily . . . resolve that.” The words hang in the air.
It’s a clear threat.
Lines have been drawn.
The soldiers shuffle and actually reach for their weapons, but it’s evident that fear passes through their eyes and bodies.
Just then, an announcement comes over the speaker. “No fighting, just get the job done, now,” the general snarls.
“Guess we are working together for now,” Louis mutters. “Men, weapons down.” He includes me in his order, so I shrug and look away before Louis moves to my side, his voice lowered. “We will keep an eye on them. You don’t have to worry, just lead the way, Nova.”
It’s time to go back to where it all started.