Page 28 of Whiskey Pain

The bellboy speaks to the driver in Spanish and then opens the back door for me. “It’s only a few minutes away. Have a nice day.”

I slide into the backseat and try to keep my legs from bouncing with nerves.

Traffic is light this morning, and I look out for any black cars following us. Any suspicious men lingering on the sidewalks. Any sign of a tall, dark-haired devil on my trail.

But there is nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I’m not sure if I should be relieved or even more worried.

Then the car stops.

The bed and breakfast looks just like it did online. It’s an orange hacienda-style house with wrought iron gates around the exterior and colorful umbrellas hanging over the courtyard. The morning sun is shining through the vibrant cloth canopy, casting the ground below in every shade of the rainbow.

“Thank you,” I tell the driver, sliding out.

The older man gives me a wave and then drives away just as I close the door. I’m not sure how I’ll get back to the hotel without him. Then again, maybe I don’t want to get back to the hotel.

I look for a doorbell or some kind of intercom system next to the gate, but there is nothing. When I try the gate, it swings open without resistance.

“Zero out of five for security,” I mutter.

I turn and close the gate behind me. But no sooner do I get it latched than an ear-piercing scream slices through the morning air.



I’m ducking and clamping my hands over my ears, thinking,Gunfire! Gunfire!when familiar arms wrap around me and squeeze the air from my lungs.

“Bagpipes, what the hell are you doing here?” Ashley jumps up and down, both hugging and strangling me. "When did you get here? Why didn't you say anything on the phone? Are you here alone?”

Ashley has always hugged like an octopus. As soon as she’s excited, it’s like she has six extra arms and suction cups.

“Hi, Ash.” I pat her back, trying to pry her away. “I’ll tell you everything; you just need to—”

“Gram!” Ashley shouts over her shoulder, still squeezing me. “Look who is here!”

I guess I should be relieved Timofey didn’t beat me here. I still have a leg up on him. But I have a feeling my head start is fading fast.

“Ashley, you need to listen to me for a second.”

“I can’t listen!” She squeezes me tight, swaying us both back and forth. “I’m too excited! How long has it been?”

“Only a few weeks.”

“Only?!” She pulls me back long enough to frown down at me. “That’s too much. I’ve missed you. Even though, I mean… Look around—I’ve been in an island paradise.”

“This isn’t an island.”

She squeezes me tight again. “Whatever. You get what I’m saying. This place is great.”

Her rush of excitement is fading, and I see my opening. I duck down and slide out of her hold. “Can you listen to me, though? I have important—”

But Ashley spins around mid-sentence and jogs towards the intricately carved wooden door of the bed and breakfast. “Gram!”

“Ashley!” I yell after her. “Would you—for God’s sake, stop for a second. Listen to me!”

She waves a hand over her shoulder. “I will, but Gram needs to know you’re here. She has missed you like crazy, girl. I’ve basically been her granddaughter while we’ve been here, but I’m no substitute for the real thing.”