Page 102 of Whiskey Pain

She nods frantically. “I understand. I’ll never—”

I don’t stay to listen. There isn’t time.

My son needs me.



I’m so shocked that I can’t actually process what I’m seeing. My tongue is three times its usual size, and I can’t form the words.

Sergey fills the silence. “Were you really talking about me or were you expecting someone else?” He smiles mischievously. His eyes roam over me, taking in my mostly bare legs peeking out from under Timofey’s t-shirt. “Did the don leave you all alone?”

“What are you doing here?” I finally manage.

“Can’t a father visit his son at home?”

“Timofey will kill you if he finds you here. You should leave before he gets back.”

I’m shaking all over, but I do my best to put power behind my words. One day, maybe, I’ll be a Bratva wife. I’ll have to learn how to command a room the way Timofey does.

Clearly, I’m not there yet. Sergey doesn’t flinch at all. In fact, he takes a step closer to the bed.

“I appreciate your concern, but Timofey won’t find me here. I designed it that way. He’s all the way on the other side of town right now.”

I could scream. But the only person who might hear is one of the maids. Sergey will kill them dead before they can do anything useful.

I could fight, but I’m pregnant. And nearly naked. Sergey is old, but I don’t think that’s enough of an advantage.

Then I glance at my phone laying on the dresser at the end of the bed. I haven’t even looked at it since Timofey brought me home from the hospital yesterday. It might even be dead.

But it also might be my only hope of escape.

“Do you have someone following him?” I ask, tucking my legs underneath me and sitting on my heels. It will be easier to lunge forward from this position.

“A good magician never reveals his secrets,” Sergey says with a grin.

He wants me to think he has Timofey held hostage or something. It’s a possibility, I know. But I dismiss it. Timofey would never go quietly. Besides, I’d feel it if he wasn’t okay. I’d sense it in the marrow of my bones.

“Do good magicians reveal why the fuck they’re in my bedroom? Because that’s what I want to know.”

“Oh my, someone has a mouth on her. Does my son like that about you or are you a work in progress?”

I frown. “Timofey likes me for who I am. I don’t need to change for him.”

He rolls his eyes. “Of course. I spent the last fifteen years molding Timofey into an alpha, and one good pussy is going to undo it all. Now, he’s a weak beta, handing over his crown for the likes of you. That’s the way it works, isn’t it? Smart men wither to idiots over love. It’s why I never bothered with love at all. Too much hassle.”

“I doubt you’re even capable of it. You have to have a heart to experience love.”

“You think I’m heartless? I should be offended, but oddly, I feel nothing.” He chuckles. “Maybe you’re right after all.”

“You have to be heartless. Or stupid. It’s the only way you could be so blind to the fact that your ‘son’ is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. He is a better leader than you could ever be. But all you want is for him to be your foot soldier.”

“Now,” he tuts, “that is just not true. Timofey has always been obstinate, but he had a natural eye for business and a talent for leadership. I fostered those abilities and helped them grow into the great don he became. I always supported him. But Timofey didn’t like everything I had to do to get there.”

“You killed his best friend!”

Sergey shrugs. “I don’t regret it. If that girl—”