Page 3 of Champagne Wrath

“I’ve treated her wounds.” Simone removes her gloves one finger at a time. “The worst of them are cleaned and bandaged, but she’ll still need a wash. She’s covered in dirt.”

“I can do that.”

Simone nods. “Don’t submerge her. Just wet some towels and run them over her body. I’ve prescribed her a painkiller and a sleeping pill if she needs it. She needs to rest.”

“The babies?” I ask.

“They’re fine.”For now.She doesn’t say that last part, but I hear it lurking behind her words. “Her blood pressure is higher than I’d like it to be. She needs a stress-free environment. Suffice it to say that what she’s been through today is… not that.”

No fucking kidding,I think to myself.

“I’ll be back tomorrow to check on her.” Before she leaves, she looks back. “You need to be her rock, Misha. She’s going to need you to get her through this.”

The bed is empty when I walk into Paige’s room. Instead, she’s standing with her back to me, gazing into the fireplace.

“Paige.” She flinches when I say her name. “I’m moving you upstairs.”

She gives me a half-hearted nod and takes a step towards me. Before her foot can even hit the floor, I bend and scoop her into my arms.

She doesn’t struggle or protest, which is as good as stabbing me right in the goddamn heart. Her head just falls against my shoulder and she lets out a weary sigh. Her eyes are red but dry. Her tears have finally dried up.

For now.

Rada is standing in the hallway when I leave the atrium. Her eyes are fixed on Paige. “I can get her cleaned up, sir,” she offers.

“No. I’ll do it.” I leave her behind and carry Paige up the stairs.

I don’t make a conscious decision to take her into my bedroom. It just feels natural to take her to the space that was meant to be ours.

I kick the door closed and carry her into the bathroom. It’s cool in here. White. Dim and safe and quiet. I strip her down slowly, taking care not to snag her clothes on her fresh bandages.

She watches me work silently. I have no idea what she’s thinking, what storm is brewing behind those limpid eyes.

I only have the bandwidth to deal with the storm brewing inside me.

You were wrong about me, Maksim. I’m not brave. I’m not strong enough to jump into this fire. I’m not strong enough to overcome this kind of fear.

Her body is one giant purple bruise beneath her joggers. I grit my teeth in an effort to keep the rage inside. I’m worried they might shatter from the pressure.

The only thing that keeps me from erupting is the same thing that’s done it since Maksim died.


Petyr Ivanov doesn’t understand the hell he’s just unleashed on himself. I’m not just going to destroy him; I’m going to destroy every single man and woman who has ever aligned themselves with him. The fucking doctor who delivered him into this world from his mother’s womb will feel my wrath. They are all guilty by association. I will annihilate the Ivanov Bratva until there is nothing left. I will—


Paige’s voice pulls me back from the black hole of rage I’m sinking into. I raise my gaze and catch her eyes.

“I’m okay,” she says softly. “Take a deep breath. I’m okay.”

How did she even see my pain through her own? How did she know what I needed?

She places her hand on the side of my face. Her breath washes over my face, a reminder that she’s alive. Every one of her exhales breathes new life into me.

I want more of it. More of her.

My survival instinct takes over. I lean forward and press my lips to hers. She is soft and alive. Andfragile, I realize a moment too late.