Page 116 of Champagne Wrath

When he jumps in, he doesn’t resurface right away. I watch his long body glide under the water towards me until his hands find my waist.

He rises out of the water like a god, water streaming off of his broad chest in a hundred mini-waterfalls. I hook my legs around his waist and latch onto his neck.

“Now, I’m wet in more ways than one,” I whisper into his ear.

He laughs. “Paige Orlov has a kink for outdoor sex. Who knew?”

“I have a kink foryou,” I correct. “We just happen to be outdoors.”

We kiss, our bodies naturally sliding together until he slips inside of me. Then we make love under the waterfall, our bodies rocking in time with the beat of the current.

When I climax, my screams are lost in the roar of the water.



Paige is sprawled on the cabin bed, my massive sweater rolled up around her wrists, with a huge bowl of pasta in her lap. Her hair is a matted mess. There’s pesto on her teeth.

She has never looked cuter.

That thought is the final nail in the coffin. I have fallen in love with my wife. And there’s no going back.

Paige looks over and frowns. “What?”

“You have pesto in your teeth.”

“Oh, shoot.” She ducks behind her hand to try and clear it away with her tongue. Then she turns to me and grins for my inspection. “Now?”

I start laughing and she groans. She grabs her phone and uses the camera to check her reflection. “Oh, man. That’s so extremely attractive.”

“It is, actually.”

She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to do that anymore. I’m your wife already. No need to lie.”

“I’m not lying,” I tell her honestly. “You look cute enough to eat.”

She sets her pasta to the side and crawls across the bed to me. She presses a kiss to my cheek. “Yeah? Then, while I’ve got you in the palm of my hand, we should probably talk baby names.”

“Sure. You can choose.”

She blinks at how quickly I let her win. “Really?”

“Yeah,” I say, grinning wickedly. “You can choose which baby is Misha the second and which one is Misha the third.”

Gasping in shock and delight, she slaps me in the chest. “Misha!”

“Mm, yes. It has an even nicer ring to it when you say it. And it works for both boys and girls.”

She laugh-snorts, a sound that somehow just makes her that much cuter. “You’re ridiculous.”

I laugh. “I do have one other idea.”

“Oh? Hit me.”

I take her hand and squeeze it gently. “Do you like the name Clara?”

Paige pauses. No words, not even a breath. Then she gives me a soft, watery smile. “Yeah, I think so. I mean, I know Clara had a lot of issues. It could feel a little morbid naming our daughter after her given the circumstances of her… of what happened to her. But on the other hand, she was such an amazing person. She saved me.”