Page 10 of Champagne Wrath


“That being said, I made a judgment call and told Cyrille, Nikita, and Aunt Nessa the truth. They were in hysterics. The news spread faster than I expected.”

I feel a twist of guilt that I wasn’t the one to make that call. “Did you make sure they understood—”

“Of course.” Konstantin nods. “They’ll lean into the story. No one wants anything to happen to Paige.”

“Good. And Rowan?”

Konstantin cringes. “She was here yesterday when the news broke. She had a bad reaction. She fainted in the break room.”

I raise my eyebrows. “And…?”

He draws in a shuddering breath. “And… as far as she’s concerned, Paige is dead.”

“Let’s keep it that way.”

“Fuck, that’s cold. I mean, you’re right, but fuck.” He shakes his head as if to steady himself. “What about Paige? Don’t you think she might call or text Rowan?”

“I anticipated that. Which is why I’ve confiscated her cell phone and all the lines in the house have been blocked. Only Noel has an open line to outside the mansion, but Paige doesn’t know that.”

He whistles. “She’s going to bepiiissed.”

Beyond pissed. She was mad I wanted to serve her breakfast in bed, so I’m sure she’ll go apoplectic when she realizes I’ve severed all means of communication.

I check the condolence cards attached to the floral arrangements as I pass. One is from Klim Kulikov, the eldest member of my inner council, a man who served Maksim and my father before him.

Konstantin notices me inspecting the arrangements. “After what happened to Paige the last time someone sent flowers, I checked everything for chamomile or anything else that could be dangerous. They’re all clear. Not so much as an aphid in the lot of them.”

“It’s a note from Klim.” I pluck the card from the plastic holder and hold it out to him.

Konstantin takes it and reads the card out loud. “‘Sow this tragedy and reap it into his downfall.’ Jesus. That’s some condolence note. That man is Bratva to the core.”

I take it back and slip it into my pocket. Something about the sentiment matches my mood perfectly.

A knock at the door draws our attention. We turn as one to see a courier holding a jaw-droppingly huge bouquet of red roses and orange zinnias. It stands out against all the other somber arrangements made up of mostly whites and soft pastels.

“Set it down and walk away,” Konstantin advises the pasty teen delivery boy. He does as he’s told and scurries off.

I have a nasty gnawing sensation in my gut as I approach. I know before I even read it what I’m going to find. Sure enough, when I withdraw the card, I see the name written there clear as day.

Petyr Ivanov.

So sorry for your loss, my brother. To lose a wife so soon after the marriage must sting. At least you have my corporation to keep you warm at night. Don’t get used to it, though—I will take it back soon enough.

I rip up the note the moment I’m done reading.


“Get rid of it.”

Konstantin realizes what’s going on. “Is it from—?”


“Fuck. What did he say?”

“He knows he’s lost and his company is mine now. The attempt on Paige’s life was revenge. And he won’t stop there.”