Page 198 of Champagne Venom

“Thank you, Mr. Orlov,” Rose says, gathering up all of the files she brought over from Orion headquarters. “I look forward to working closely with both you and your wife.”

On her way out, she runs into Konstantin in the doorway. His eyes bulge and he gawks at her as she passes. Someone ought to fold his lolling tongue back into his mouth.

“Konstantin,” I call.

He blinks a few times and then does a double take as he walks into my office. “That wasn’t Paige, was it?”

“Are you drunk already? It’s barely nine in the morning.”

“Okay, so it was a clone?”

I roll my eyes. “That’s Rose, Paige’s new assistant. She’s going to be moving between the mansion and Orion, helping Paige to work from home.”

“Has she been vetted?”

“Of course. Thoroughly.”

“What about patted down? Has that been done?Thoroughly?”

I glare at him. “Konstantin.”

He drops down into the chair across from my desk. “Is there some weird, kinky reason she happens to resemble your wife very, very closely?”

“It’s not that close of a resemblance.”

“Oh, come on, Misha. She has the exact same damn haircut.” He shoots me an annoyed glare. “Did you hire her as a P.A. or as a body double?”

My face is stony and expressionless. “Two birds with one stone.”

He sighs and buries his face in his hands at the admission. “Jesus Christ, man. Does Paige know?”

“She doesn’t need to know.” If she would talk to me, then I’d tell her everything. But as it is…

“Things are heating up between us and the Ivanovs,” he cautions. “Paige just might be caught in the middle. You should warn her.”

“I’ve already warned her. I see no reason to repeat myself—and she wouldn’t listen anyway,” I snap. “Besides, she doesn’t need the stress right now. I want her to be as calm as possible for the remainder of the pregnancy.”

Konstantin nods, resigned to losing this battle. “Alright. Fair enough. Don’t you think she’ll suspect something, though?”

“She can assume all she wants; I’m not confirming or denying anything. She wanted a competent assistant, and that’s what I got for her.” I lean back in my seat. “What have you got for me?”

Wearily, he unfolds his notepad and starts reading. “I have an ETA for tonight's meeting. Eleven, at their usual place. Petyr won’t be there, but several of his closest Vors will be.”

I snap my fingers. “Then let’s not waste the opportunity. I want you to bring them in.”

Konstantin lifts his brows. “Allof them?”

“Pick your favorite two. They won’t be expecting it after the meeting, and they’re going to be liquored up and rolling high. Fish in a barrel.”

Konstantin smiles and claps his hands together softly. “Yay for unexpected treats. This is gonna be a fun night.”

“That’s me. All about the fun.”

“Don’t say that in front of your wife. The laughing might send her into early labor.”

“I don’t know why I put up with you.” I throw a pen that he swiftly dodges.

“Because we’re family,” he reminds me with a cheeky smile.