Page 88 of Marked Wolf

Of all to come in first, he was glad it was Ash.

“What’s with your name? It’s uncommon for an Australian.” Ash flopped onto one of the lounge chairs, kicking her legs over the armrest to sit sideways.

That was just like Ash, always asking questions to find out more information.

Tamaska shrugged. “My great grandma was from America. I was named after her.”

“Really?” Ash raised an eyebrow as she looked up from the laptop’s open lid.

“Does that mean anything?” asked Kodiak. “Like, could it explain why the vampires are after her?”

“Dunno.” Ash returned her attention to the laptop, her fingers moving rapidly over the keys.

He tried to keep the excitement down, but it was difficult. That information could be just what they’d been looking for, the lead they so desperately needed.

“Could you find out? We need to know why the vampires want her.”

“Sure.” Ash kept typing. “What’s your last name?”


“When did you come to Australia? Or were you born here?”

“I was born here. My great grandma came here during the Depression.”

Ash gestured for Tamaska to come closer. “I need more details. Is there something about your family you think we should know? Something, even small, that’s weird or different or special? Anything, no matter how small, might help.”

Tamaska frowned as she inched closer to Ash. “We’re just a normal family. There aren’t any stories or heirlooms. Everything of value was sold to pay for passage to Australia.”

Ash sat upright, and patted the thick, flat arm of the lounge chair, gesturing for her to sit down. “Tell me what you know, anyway, and I’ll see if there’s anything about your family that could give us a clue.”

She sat on the very edge of the armchair, her back upright and stiff.

“I won’t bite you,” said Ash.

“Good to know,” Tamaska smiled, but her body stayed a little rigid, like she couldn’t relax.

Tamaska gave more details to Ash, whose fingers flew hard and fast over the keyboard. If anyone could find out something relevant about her heritage, it would be Ash. Kodiak was curious as to why Ash was interested in Tamaska’s name and her American heritage.

Time enough—hopefully—to ask about that later.

The pack’s heritage connected back to America, too. His heart slammed against his ribs. It was such a small detail, but who knew, maybe it meant he and Tamaska could have an uncomplicated future together. Maybe somehow their pasts were connected, and it would mean that he hadn’t randomly fallen in love with a human, a forbidden mate.

It was a lot to hope for—a stretch, at best. Still, maybe there could be a valid reason why they should be together, against all odds.

Be together, stay with the pack, take his place as alpha to bring in the changes.

And it all relied on them working together to find their way through this in one piece.

He hovered nearby, trying to take in the details of Ash and Tamaska’s conversation, because maybe he could see something that was being missed, but then the others began to arrive, pulling his attention.

“Who’s this?” asked Fern, disdain on her face. “Is she from the opal gig?”

Kodiak hands wanted to clench but he refused to allow it. He needed to put forward the right amount of calm and control. So he only nodded.

Fern sat down on the three-seater sofa and crossed her legs. She threw a pillow at Channing, which hit him square in the face. “Annoying as usual.”

“Hey, lighten up,” said Channing. He threw the pillow back, and she caught it easily.