Page 85 of Marked Wolf

“That’s settled,” he said, glancing at Tamaska. “She’s staying, and hopefully she can help.”

“Help.” Shota shook his head. “She’s human.”

Kodiak raised a brow, speaking before she got it in her head to stand up for herself or speak her mind. He might like that about her, but right now wasn’t the time. “Tamaska’s fought off vampires, and without your powers. She might be human, but she can help.”

“You got any idea how to set a trap, then?” asked Shota. Stance wide, his hands on his hips to challenge, intimidate, and eat up space.

“She’s not that easily scared. And yes.” Kodiak squared his shoulders and stepped a little closer to Tamaska, just because he could. “But I’m open to ideas. The more we have, the better the plan and the trap. Don’t you think?”

“Agreed.” Olcan looked at the three of them. “We’ll meet out back in thirty minutes to discuss plans. Get the rest of the pack ready."

“Okay,” said Kodiak.

“And make sure you’re there.” He tilted his head towards Tamaska. “With all the game you have to bring to the table.”

She nodded. “Whatever I can do to help.”

Olcan smiled in a way that made Kodiak stiffen. “Good, I’ve some ideas for a trap, too.”

He narrowed his eyes at the alpha. “She’s to be protected. Like we would any human.”

“Just do what I ask, Kodiak.”

Fuck. He just hoped her fear of dogs wouldn’t get in the way of whatever trap Olcan had planned.

“I’ll make sure everyone is there.” Kodiak nodded in acknowledgment.

“Punish anyone who isn’t.” Olcan turned to leave. “I’ll tune up the security systems to stop any unwanted guests from coming in. It’s been a night for that already.”

A short-lived sense of relief flooded Kodiak when the alpha left. Their altercation had been intense, and while he’d gotten what he wanted for the time being, the vampires were still coming after them. And they didn’t know anything more. If anything, that mystery had deepened.

And Tamaska?

He’d keep her safe, deal with this, and then they could work out everything else after.

So much was up in the air. The mark on Tamaska, the fact they didn’t have the Blood Opal.

And the vampires…

It worried him that the vampires were intent on attacking his pack. They’d never done that before. Never been quite so bold, not even before the truce. This was something new.

Kodiak’s gut tightened. He’d attacked the fuckers. Gone into their club and killed. An act, they might claim, of war.

Even though he knew it wasn’t.

The vampire had done that by taking the opal. By attacking and targeting Tamaska.

It could most definitely be seen as his fault.

Normally, he wouldn’t care. Normally, he wouldn’t do such a thing. But there was nothing normal about any of this. That resonated deep in his bones.

The attack here could be claimed as an eye for an eye when he knew it wasn’t.

At least Olcan hadn’t openly challenged Kodiak on those kills. He wasn’t sure what kind of victory, if any, that was.

He didn’t have time for this. Not with other things pressing down on him.

“Shota, make sure everyone knows to come,” Kodiak said. He brushed his hand against Tamaska’s lower back as he stepped past her.