Page 65 of Marked Wolf

His mouth thinned. “I’m not saying you ran out and got a fucking tattoo. I’m asking when you first noticed it, because I’m betting it isn’t now.”

Tamaska poked him in the chest, glad to have something like the clean anger he stirred in her to hold on to. It was better than the fear. “Are you calling me a liar?”

Anger flared dark in his eyes. “No. And you know it. I’m saying you didn’t just notice it.”

“You heard me. I’ve never seen this before in my life.”

“Not seen. Known. As in something happened or you’ve been feeling some changes… This is important, Tamaska.”

She froze. Everything inside her went cold and black and heavy. And she shivered.

Was this…mark, this tattoo, the reason why she could see in the dark, hear better than ever—

She’d thought it was something to do with Kodiak.

Not this.

Christ, she needed a shower to wash the sudden feel of clinging dirt off her. “I… I’ve noticed some changes…”

“Okay, so.” He took her shoulders and made her look at him. “Do you know when they started?”

“No, I thought, thought it was you.”

He gave her a long, considering look but didn’t comment on her words. “That might be too hard to pinpoint. Did something happen? A run in? Pain?”

“The vampire.”

She stopped. When she’d ran in the park…it had just all happened so quickly, the vampire, the swamping fear of the giant dog she now knew was Kodiak’s wolf form. So much in such a short period of time that she hadn’t even teased anything apart. But now…

The vampire had grabbed her, like at the job when the opal went missing. The prick…a prick in her arm both times and the second had hurt.

“Oh my God….” She looked up at Kodiak. “I never thought to look. Back with the opal something had hurt my arm and then when the vampire attacked me in the park. I….” She’d been swept up in Kodiak. “The vampires must have known I wouldn’t pay any attention to the occasional twinge in my arm.”


She nodded.

“The vampires marked you,” said Kodiak. “I’ll fucking kill the lot of them.”

The panic flared bright, but she fought it down. “Marked me?”

“Yeah, we’ll find a way to deal with it.”

She stared at him. “You’ll find a way? You don’t know.”

“Calm down.” He moved about the room, packing things into a bag. “We’ll deal with it.”

“What is that stuff?” She pointed at a bottle of clear liquid he put in the bag.

He grinned. “That’s holy water.”


“Not blessed by a church water, this is more of a repellent and an odor mask. Can’t hurt to have as much help as we can when we go into battle.”

She closed her eyes. “Battle?”

“I said—”