Page 63 of Marked Wolf

“Bonding also means you’re the safest you can be with me.”

Tamaska looked up at him. “Does this…bond extend to your wolf form?”

“Yes. I control my wolf side, not the other way around. I wouldn’t survive living in the world of humans otherwise, and the same goes for my pack.” He paused for a moment. “Would you like to meet my wolf now?”

Tamaska’s breath caught in her throat. A chill slid down her spine.

It was one thing to believe him and another to have the physical act of coming face to face, right up close, with a wolf, even if it was him…

He sucked in a breath. “No, you don’t have to. I shouldn’t have asked you so soon. You let me know when you’re ready to meet him.”

“I will.” The idea of being around Kodiak long enough to find the courage to face her fear and meet his wolf made her head spin. But she would. When she was ready. “But right now we’ve got to focus on the problem at hand.”

“Vampires and that fucking Blood Opal.”

She nodded. There was an entirely new world she had to learn about, and fast.

“That can wait a few more hours.” He kissed her again. The heat from his mouth melded with hers, as the desire licked up inside her. “After all, I’m still naked and you’re too dressed, and I think we were doing something like this. Or about to.”

A thrill raced along her veins as Kodiak lifted her and kissed her hard on the lips. She melted into him, wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing him back.

He tasted divine, a dark richness with the edge of salt, and she wanted to dive in deep, sample and explore all there was. Kodiak’s mouth plundered hers as he slammed them against the wall, and he thrusted against her, his erection hard at the juncture of her thighs.

Then the earth vibrated once more. For a moment the lust of their teasing kiss, their foreplay, made her think the world moved for them, but when it happened again and he stopped, stilling and raising his head, she knew it was something more.

The air buzzed and her chest squeezed tight as she gripped his arms.

“You felt it, too,” said Tamaska as he frowned.

“Yeah. Shit.” He let her slip down his body until her feet touched the floor.

“What was it?” she asked, keeping her hands on his shoulders, not wanting to let him go.

Kodiak shrugged as he frowned a little deeper. “Nothing good.”

He slid his hands over hers and, taking hold of them gently, he removed them from his shoulders. “I… We need to go.”

“You said we were safe here.” Tamaska’s stomach tightened.

“We are.”

But there was something unspoken, something she didn’t get there in his words.

“So, why go?”

He was already turning from her, pulling on clothes that sat in a pile by the door. “We need to be with my pack. There’s safety in numbers. Whatever that was, it wasn’t good. We should go.”

Tamaska stood silent and still, the old fear rearing up. “You want me to go be with a bunch of wolves I don’t know?” Her breath quickened, short and fast as she tried not to spiral into full-blown panic.

“Hey, they won’t hurt you.” He drew her into a protective embrace. She rested her head on his chest.

He was never going to get it. There was no way she was ready to meet his pack, which was like family to him. They were a family—more than family. They were part of him and his world. What would she do if they were all in wolf form?

What if they hated her, what if—

“We need to go, Tamaska. There are scarier things out there than shifters.”

Rationally, he was right.