Page 60 of Marked Wolf

Trying to wrap her mind about it all was almost impossible, and yet it made a weird sense. He’d been there, and now she could see his other side, and maybe it was always there but she’d never noticed.

Tamaska didn’t know. But…maybe…maybe she wanted to find out.

It would take time to process everything: vampires, shifters, and the fact Kodiak wasn’t human. Or was more than human. It would take time to process his ability to transform between human and wolf, but she didn’t feel the need to run away as she had before.

Instead, she wanted answers. She wanted to learn about his way of life as a wolf shifter. His world was foreign to her, but she didn’t want it to be like that anymore.

She almost staggered when that hit her.

Tamaska smiled as he walked towards her. His naked body was toned and fit, a delight to watch. She was only human after all. She peeked below his waist at his cock as he came closer. Heat flushed through her, knowing the pleasure his body could elicit from her own.

An electronic beep sounded, and she went to the door to meet him as it swung open.

“Where have you been?” she asked, hands on hips.

He eyed her warily. “You’re not going to run?”

“Where to? I’m locked up, and….” She sucked in a breath. “No, I’m not going to run. But you left me alone. Where were you?”

“Hunting,” he said.

The door slammed closed behind him, the lock clicking with a reassuring metallic sound. Once more, a sense of well-being settled over her. Safety, that’s what it was.

“I know it sounds….” He paused as if to find the right word.


“Something like that.” He said it easily, but she didn’t think it was easy for him to say at all. “But my wolf side needs it from time to time.”

Tamaska nodded, somehow understanding more than what he was saying.

“I didn’t mean to be out so long. Are you all right?” Kodiak stepped closer to her, and she shivered. “Did something happen while I was gone?”

“No, but you shouldn’t have left me.” Tamaska bit her lip and half reached for him but stopped herself. “I woke alone in the dark and—”

“Did you miss me?”

His words made her shiver with need. Yes, she’d missed him. “No. I was alone, scared. I thought…I thought something had happened to you.”

“And leave you vulnerable? Never.”

“You left me vulnerable.”

He sighed. “I wasn’t that far. And I’d have been back in an instant if anyone or anything else crossed property lines. But I’m sorry.”

“You should have….” She trailed off. Should have what?

He must have seen where her words were taking her because he said, “Taken you with me?”

“Yes, no. I don’t know.”

“I can’t take you hunting with me,” he said, his voice soothing and deep. He brushed his hand gently down her arm.

A bolt of desire shot through her at his touch. She inhaled slowly, settling herself. “Does that mean I can trust your wolf side?”

“Always,” he said, inching closer to her. “He accepts you.”

“But I’m not a wolf.” Another shiver took hold of her.