Page 56 of Marked Wolf

Tamaska stretched in bed,reaching for Kodiak. But her arms and legs found only cold space. She sat up, shocked.

Still only half awake, she fully remembered their lovemaking. They were out in the middle of nowhere and he…he should be here.

Why wasn’t he there with her? Her skin prickled at the chill shivering through her bones.

Her heart thumped hard. Had something happened?

Tamaska looked around. Her eyes adjusted quickly, even though the only light came through the window from the moon.

His clothes were still on the ground, where they’d been discarded in his rush to get naked and in bed with her.

He must be close by.

She guessed he would be in the other room, maybe making coffee or something to eat. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of food.

Yet somehow, she knew he wasn’t there.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t smell or see anything or hear someone moving. It was more than that.

An absence.

Of him.

She was, in every sense of the word, alone.

Why would he leave her? She wrapped her arms protectively around her body and shivered as she returned to her earlier, scary question. Had something happened?

For a moment, Tamaska sat frozen in the bed, listening for any sounds that might indicate danger.

She listened beyond the hut, to the area outside, trying to hear footsteps or hushed voices, or someone trying to get in through the door.

She heard nothing.

Not a whisper. Not a bird call. Nothing.

She needed to calm down. How could she hear anything with blood roaring in her ears, anyway?

Breathing slow, a tenuous calm spread through her and only the sounds of the night filtered in. Those natural ones. The ones that normally spooked her.

For some reason they didn’t tonight.

They comforted.

If she heard voices, now that would scare her out of her mind.

She shivered again.

Cold, and not wanting to lie in bed alone, Tamaska got up.

Vulnerable in her naked state, she looked for her clothes. There they were, on the floor, clear as day.

She picked up her clothes and stopped, breath catching. Clear as day? It was night. Dark. Yet…

It amazed her how easily she found the items in the dark room. How odd that she could see better than normal. Had the vampire done something to her?

She shook that thought away, not liking the way it clung to her, cloyed. Maybe she just—What? Got lucky? Remembered where they were?

It wasn’t as if luck worked that way. And it wasn’t like she could have remembered exactly where her clothes had been thrown. Her mind had been crazed with desire when Kodiak tore them from her body. The burn of desire flared inside her, and she wished he was there with her.