Page 19 of Marked Wolf

Yeah, he hoped so, too.

“This thing is big, bigger than we first thought. We need to keep the human safe.”

“I still don’t want her here.”

He looked at the pack leader. “She doesn’t need to be at the clubhouse. But she’s important.”

“To you?” Olcan asked. “Or to the Blood Opal?”

For a long beat he didn’t answer. They were one and the same and they were worlds apart. All he knew was, for the first time ever, he wanted a human more than he wanted anyone else.

It unsettled, it disturbed.

And it didn’t change the fact she was in danger and essential to all this.

“She’s important to our mission.”

Olcan nodded, and if he didn’t believe him, he didn’t say. Still, the disapproval radiated from the man.

“I don’t want you near her. Your loyalty is to the pack. I’ll see you in the morning.” Olcan turned and left.

Damn it. For a second Kodiak didn’t move. Then he rubbed his eyes with one hand. How had everything become such a fucking mess?

Not just the Blood Opal or the new threat from the vampires or even that Tamaska was in danger and the need to protect was ingrained deep.

No, it was more.

He wanted to protect her and keep his pack and the world safe.

He wanted to put a human woman on equal footing with his pack.

He wanted her to be his, even if his alpha forbade it.



She didn’t knowwhy she was dithering.

The Blood Moon Nightclub looked even worse for wear even in the afternoon light, as Tamaska stood at the corner between the street and the alley. She looked up at its two-story walls. The windows were shuttered as if its eyes were closed and sleeping.

The black paint on the walls had faded in the Australian sun and looked more like an unappealing dark grey, a shade that made the old warehouse look aged beyond its years.

Or maybe that was just all in her head.

Oh, it looked awful. She’d circled the building a few times, stood on the other side of the street for a while, observing. And it sat like death itself. A lonely thing, no one coming in or out.

Tamaska forced herself to breathe and to rid herself of all the fanciful thoughts. They weren’t helping to do a thing.

Except perhaps spook her and psych her out of the shards of plans that floated through her head.

What she needed was to not be here alone.

What she needed was a strong helping hand. Someone who could fight and help.

Someone like—
