Page 22 of Marked Wolf

She pushed on the wire mesh. It moved easily, giving her access. With no other options for an entrance, she slipped through, grazing her arm on a sharp metal edge.

“Ow.” She let go of the wire mesh and put her hand on her arm. Blood oozed onto her palm, and the wound stung, throbbing a little.

Tamaska pulled her hand away and blood covered her palm. It wasn’t a bad scratch. But a scratch all the same. She pressed hard to stop the flow of blood and dashed along the enclosed area behind the warehouse.

The crumbly, old concrete hadn’t been maintained. Weeds pushed up through the cracks in an attempt to reclaim the space for nature.

Another structure stood to her right, a large shed.

She took half a step towards it and stopped.

When she looked at it, she shuddered like an icy hand wrapped around her nerves. There was no way she was going there, not when she could feel its strange vibes from a good fifty yards away. Good thing her target was the nightclub.

Whatever it was, it could stay unknown to her. Unknown and untouched. She turned from it and studied the building once again.

Tamaska slinked beside the warehouse wall as she looked around, taking in her new surroundings. An empty parking space sat behind the shed, while industrial-sized dumpsters lay just ahead, nearly overflowing with wine, liquor, and beer bottles.

She was surprised that no one was around. The area was strangely quiet, and Tamaska had half a mind to turn back, especially now that her arm had begun to throb.

I’ve come this far.I can get inside and get the Blood Opal. I know I can.

That’s what she did, met challenges and adapted to get what she wanted in life. The approach had served her well so far in life, and even though this might seem something out of a horror movie, it was real, and she wouldn’t let it get to her.

Concrete steps led up to a door at the far end of the building. That had to be the service entrance.

Confident now that no one was around, she hurried towards the door, running up the three steps. She wiped the blood from her hand onto her black tights, then slowly turned the handle.

It moved, and she nearly gasped out loud in surprise. She hadn’t expected that to work. Her heart beat hard and fast as she stood there.

She’d done it. She’d found a way in.

Things were finally starting to work in her favor.

Tamaska pushed on the door, and it opened, allowing her access. Without a second thought, she slipped inside.

She paused to give her eyes time to adjust to the dull light, her pulse quickening with a rush of adrenaline. She’d made it this far. Had it been too easy?

Tamaska didn’t care. She was one step closer to finding the gem, and nothing was going to stop her.

Nothing at all.



The urge toget to Tamaska was too strong to deny.

The moment he could leave, he was out the door and no way was he about to waste time going on foot.

Every tick of the clock meant time away from her and time for her to get into trouble.

The meeting hadn’t taken a long time, although it felt like hours.

Since it wasn’t dark enough to change into his wolf form without being seen, and getting to her was his top priority, whether she wanted him there or not, time was of the essence.

He’d drive. Head to the place where he’d drive, go to where he’d seen her last.

Protect her whether she wanted him to or not.