“Fun?” he laughs. “Just as simple as that.”

“Of course,” I say but my cheeks are telling on me. They are burning up. They feel like they’ve been set on fire. Probably from my bold face lie because there’s no way I couldsimplydip no toes in the pool and not want to stay in there, sort of speak.

“Beautiful,” Nico whispers, taking a step closer and grabbing my hand. He lifts it to his lips and kisses it softly; instantly, melting me. “Don’t try to be someone you’re not.”

He releases my hand and then bends down, retrieving my towel. He hands it to me and I feel both disappointment and relief wash over me. I never knew the two feelings could coexist at the same time but, at this very moment, they do.

“Thank you,” I blush and wrap the towel around me.

I want Nico like there’s no tomorrow but he’s right. If we were to sleep together, I’d want more. And with his position and lifestyle, more is something he probably wouldn’t want to give to a woman like me. Nico needs a woman who comes from money, has theBarbielooks, and has a strong family background. Everything I’m not.

“I’ll set my alarm and eat breakfast with you… if you’d like,” I say softly.

“I’d like that,” he smiles and then groans loudly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m so going to kick myself in the ass, later,” he mutters and turns towards the door. I can’t help but laugh. He looks back at me over his shoulder.

“Like torturing me, Miss Caldwell?” he smirks.

“I would never dare to torture you, Mister Santoro,” I reply sultry-like.

“Fuck. I’m heading to my room while I still have the strength,” he mumbles and I find myself biting my bottom lip to keep from laughing. “Sweet dreams, Mia.”

“Sweet dreams, Mister Santoro.”

He opens his mouth to speak but says nothing. He simply winks then leaves my room quietly closing the door behind him.

“Mia, you’re an idiot,” I kick at the air in front of me. “How could Inotsleep with the sexiest man alive?”

I hear Nico chuckle out in the hallway and I instantly feel mortified that he heard me.

“Goodnight, Mia,” he laughs.

“Goodnight,” I reply defeatedly. He continues to laugh as he walks away from my room. “Way to go, Mia Caldwell. You’re officially a loser.”

Chapter Ten


Mia walks out into the hallway at eight on the dot. She is wearing a light pink tank top, jeans, and white sneakers. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail and from what I can tell, she has zero makeup on. She never ceases to amaze me. Zero makeup and still looks like a goddess.

“Good morning,” I say when she finally looks at me.

“Good morning,” she smiles.

“How’d you sleep?”

Her cheeks redden and I know that her night was as rough as mine. I regretted leaving her room without at least tasting her. It took everything in me to not go back over to her room and devour her. I almost slept in my office just so I knew I’d stick to my words. Mia wasn’t the kind of woman who should just be fucked. She deserved to be wined, dined, and spoiled.

“Hungry?” I ask, helping her dodge my question.

“Mmhmm,” she nods.

“This way.”

I gesture down the hallway to our left and we begin heading toward the dining room. I want to fill the silence with words; however, I’m not sure which words would be comforting to her. Hell, I’m not even sure if she’s a morning person.