I’m not sure why, but I suddenly feel nervous as hell. I feel like she’s staring through my soul with her beautiful hazel eyes. The thought of upsetting her has me scared shitless but as much as I hate to admit it, Basque is right. I need to be upfront with her.

“With your permission, I’d like to bug your phone,” I finally manage to say.

Tommy’s eyes widen and he turns his head slightly. Most likely because he knows if I catch him smiling or laughing, there will be hell to pay. He isn’t Mia so he doesn’t get aget-out-of-jail-freecard.

Mia is looking at me in disbelief.

“You’re really asking me and not just going to do it behind my back?” she asks with an eyebrow raised.

I can feel Basque’sI told you solook, burning through the back of my head. I want to turn and glare at him, but Mia has my attention captivated.

“Yes,” I reply. “We got off on the wrong foot and I want to avoid any more misunderstandings.”

To my surprise, Mia smiles and digs her phone out of her purse. She hands it to me.

“That simple?” I ask, stunned.

“Yep. That simple,” she smiles.

“Thank you, Mia.” I turn and face Basque, who as I thought, has a smug grin on his face. “Wipe it off your face,” I mutter under my breath to him.

“As you wish, Boss,” he chuckles and then his face goes unreadable.

“Get this to Tech for me and then return it to Mi– Miss Caldwell.”

“Sure thing, Boss,” he bows his head, turns, and walks away.

I gather my composure and then face Mia once more.

“Care to join me in my study? Or want to go to the theater room?” I ask.

“You have a theater room?” She once again seems shocked.

Her reactions make me curious about how she was raised. What was her house like? Did they even own a T.V.? What did she do for fun?

“Why don’t I give you a tour of the compound?” I offer my arm to her and wait for her answer. To my surprise, she walks over to me without hesitation and loops her arm through mine. “Tommy, you’re dismissed. I’ll escort Miss Caldwell from here.”

Tommy faces us.

“I’ll return to my post, Boss,” he says, lowering his head briefly and then walking in the same direction Basque left in.

“They always call you Boss?” Mia asks, looking up at me.

“Only until my father is back,” I reply.

“Is he on vacation?”

The thought of my father in the hospital pains me. If only he was on vacation. That would make life much simpler.

“No,” I smile and pat her hand. “Where should we begin the tour? The theater room? Library? Pool?”

I hope my words will distract her from prying any further. It isn’t a conversation I want to have with her. Honestly, it isn’t something I want to talk to anyone about.

“Wow. You really do have it all,” she giggles.

I can tell by the look in her eyes that she still has lots of questions but she’s appeasing me by ignoring her curiosity. For that, I’ll find a way to reward her.

Chapter Nine