“Jenna managed to get you back here.”
“That she did.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “She insisted that I be part of the circus.”
At least he and I have something in common. We both don’t want to be part of the wedding but managed to be roped into it.
“So you’re a sucker too?” I laugh, hoping to break up the tension. He looks at me and smiles.
Damn that smile.It could melt steel.
“Yes. That I am,” he grins. “But at least we are suckers together.”
Together,I repeat. I love the thought of that.Get it together, Ysenia. He is Jenna’s brother and way out of your league.
“Team Suckers,” I smile.
“Team Suckers.”
“Miguel! Ysenia!” Jenna shouts as Miguel and I get out of my car. She rushes over to us and pulls us into a bear hug. “I’m so happy you are here!”
I wrap an arm around her and smile at her warm embrace.
“Hey, Jenna. Long time no see,” I laugh.
“Way too long,” she says, then looks at Miguel and frowns. “Are you not going to say anything to your baby sister?”
“Well, if she’d stop choking the hell out of me, I would,” he smirks. Jenna releases us from her hold. Miguel and I both take a step back.
“How was the trip?” Jenna asks, looking first at Miguel then me, and then back at Miguel. She seems to be having the time of her life. Or at least the huge grin plastered on her face gives that impression.
“Everything was fine, Jenna,” Miguel groans. “Quit being weird.”
“You’re such a buzzkill,” she rolls her eyes and faces me. “Are you staying for dinner?”
My mouth opens to answer, but I spot Jenna and Miguel’s mom– Marcia Jenkins. She is standing in the doorway of the house, several feet from where I’ve parked. She’s wearing a long, dark blue dress with white pearls. Her hair is pinned up and lips arepaintedbright red. She looks like she just stepped out of the 50s… and boy is she pissed.
“I think I’ll pass,” I say, staring at Mrs. Jenkins. Miguel brings attention to his mother. He doesn’t hide his ill feelings towards her. If looks could kill, Mrs. Jenkins and Miguel would have fallen over dead in an instant.
“Oh, she’s harmless,” Jenna assures me; however, she has a horrible poker face.
“Do you even buy that horse shit, Jenna?” Miguel mutters. Jenna slaps at his arm and shakes her head.
“You shouldn’t talk like that in front of a lady,” she points at me. “And, last time I checked, Ysenia is a lady, Miguel.”
Miguel looks at me and gives me aColgatesmile. The kind of smile that has me holding my breath. My legs feel like they’re made out ofJell-Oand if he keeps smiling at me, I’m going to end up looking like a fool.
“Forgive me, Ysenia?” he asks coolie.
“All is forgiven, right, Ysenia?” Jenna smiles brightly, looping her arm through mine and ushering me towards the front door before I can get a word in edgewise.
“Jenna, it is illegal to hold people against their will!” Miguel shouts behind us.
The polite thing would be for me to say, I don’t mind; however, that’d be a bold-faced lie. I have never felt comfortable around Mrs. Jenkins. I always smiled around her and used my best manners, but deep down, I hold resentment towards her. After all, she is the reason for Miguel leaving.
He was never mine to begin with,I remind myself.
“Hello, Mrs. Jenkins,” I smile at the woman as Jenna drags me over to the house.
“Ysenia, is that you?” Mrs. Jenkins asks sweetly in her deep Texan accent. “Aren’t you as pretty as ever.”