Page 31 of Springtime Love

“He’s my step-son. I didn’t realize we weren’tbuddy-buddy.” Hank sets his glass down and then crosses his arms in front of his chest.

I’ve never seen him act like this. He was always a pushover. Anything my mom wanted, he gave her. Anytime she threw a fit and snapped at him, he kept quiet. It was nice seeing him stand up to her.

Hank, you ole sly dog,I chuckle to myself.

“Mom! Hank!” Jenna calls out.

“We’re in here!” Hank shouts.

I hear the sound of heels approaching us. A few short seconds later, Jenna walks into the room. She sees me and freezes in her tracks.

“Hey, Miguel,” she whispers. Her eyes and nose are red. She looks like she’s been crying again.

“Jenna,” I reply coolie.

“He’s been back here drinking with your father,” my mom snarls. Jenna looks at Hank then his empty glass then back at him. She purses her lips together, but I can tell she wants to laugh.

“Don’t encourage their behavior!” my mom yells at Jenna.

“You are so damn miserable!” Jenna screams back. “All. The. Damn. Time!”

They lock into a glaring match. They look like they’re ready to kill each other. Neither of them is going to give up. I know how they are. It isn’t in their nature.

“Why don’t we all have a seat and relax?” Hank says, trying to keep the peace. At least he had an edge for a few moments. “There’s lots to talk about.”

“Fine,” Jenna sighs and walks over to one of the recliners then plops down in it. “Let’s talk.”

I set my glass down then walk over to the other recliner and sit down before I’m stuck on the sofa with my mom. Hank looks at me. He seems disappointed that he can’t sit in the recliner. Poor bastard.

He reluctantly walks over to the sofa and sits down. My mom glares at each of us before making her way over to the sofa. She sits down next to Hank.

“So what is there to talk about? Miguel’s lack of manners? Or your daughter’s whore-like behavior?” my mom smirks.

What real mother would say that? Our mom, that's who. She’s a real piece of shit.

“Watch your tone. She’s your daughter,” I growl. “Besides, you have a lot of nerve.”

“What the hell did you just say to me?” my mom snaps. She starts to stand up, but Hank grabs her arm. She looks at him and he shakes his head.

“That’s enough,” he says.

“He just–”

“That’s enough, Marcia,” he repeats. She glares at him; however, she settles back down without argument.

“I already said I was sorry,” Jenna sniffles. “So very sorry.”

I turn my attention to Jenna. A tear trickles down her cheek. She looks like she’s barely holding it together.

“You hurt your friend, Jenna,” Hank says softly.

“I know, Dad. I never meant for it to happen.”

“I know, Peanut. You’ve already said that.”

“You hid it from all of us. And made us look like fools, today,” my mother declares, rolling her eyes.

Jenna glares at her. I can tell she is on the verge of snapping. And, when she does, Hank’s room is going to be destroyed.