Page 21 of Springtime Love

Jenna had always worshiped her friendship with Ysenia. Ysenia was all Jenna would talk about. The two were inseparable. Even after I moved to Italy to stay with my dad and Jenna was in college.

Jenna dropping Ysenia is mind-blowing.

“She give you a reason why?” I ask, holding her hand and squeezing it gently. She looks down at our hands and smiles.

“No. I never asked for one,” she sighs. “I just got tired of pulling teeth to get her to talk to me. I felt like a burden so I just let the friendship dwindle.”

She shrugs nonchalantly. Pain etches her face. She looks like someone kicked her puppy.

“Want me to help get you two alone so you can talk about it?” I ask.

“Honestly?” She looks at me and I nod. “No.”

Silence fills the car. I can tell that Ysenia is in deep thought. She stares at me as though she’s searching for an answer. Hopefully, she doesn’t think I have anything wise to say. I’m horrible when it comes to mending things. I have a bad habit of just walking away.

“Is it wrong for me to be here? I feel like I’m being deceitful since I’m not close to Jenna at all,” she says softly.

I stroke her cheek and smile.

“Ysenia, Jenna wanted you here. She knew you guys hadn’t talked in a long time. She didn’t have to invite you but she did. Besides you’re now my date for this fiasco,” I grin, making Ysenia laugh.

“Yeah, honestly I have a feeling it’s going to be a nightmare. Like something dramatic is going to happen.”

“Well, let’s just make sure to have our cameras ready.” I lift her hand to my lips and kiss it softly. Ysenia blushes.

“I’m glad you’re back, Miguel. Even if it’s temporary,” she whispers.

She may have said her words faintly but they screamed throughout my mind. My heart races and I fight to breathe. So many emotions are flowing through me.

Part of me wants to reveal all of my feelings for her. The other part of me is terrified that she’s glad I’m here because that means emotions. And emotions lead to heartbreak. At the end of all this, I’m going back to Italy and she’ll stay here.

Chapter Eleven


The color in Miguel’s face drained when I told him I was glad he was here. I made an absolute fool of myself. I’m not even sure why I said it. The words came out of my mouth freely.

“We better hurry inside,” I blurt, removing my hand from his hold.

“Ysenia, I–” I whisper.

“It’s okay,” I smile brightly. “Let’s go.”

I quickly grab my keys, purse, and a gift bag from the back seat then I exit my car, closing the door behind me. Miguel gets out, closes his door, and looks at me with remorse-filled eyes.

Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

“Camera ready?” I joke, fighting back the tears.

“Ysenia, I–” This time he cuts off his own words. He lets out a heavy sigh.

“Camera ready? He smiles and then walks around to my side. He offers his arm to me. “May I?”

“Thank you.” I loop my arm through this.

We walk in silence towards the country club entrance. The only sounds I hear are those of the golf carts in the distance, birds, and the water fountain out front. Life seems peaceful for the moment. However, I know deep down Miguel is struggling with emotions and it’s my fault. I couldn’t just leave a good thing alone.

At the hotel, we had another great round of sexy before getting ready. We headed to my parent’s house where I showered and prepared for the bridal brunch. Miguel hung out with my parents even though I told him he could hang out in the guest room alone. My mom made us a light breakfast then Miguel and I headed to the country club.