Page 15 of Springtime Love


A soft knock on my hotel door has me sitting up in bed. I glance at the clock.12:23. Only one person on the planet knows that I’m at this hotel; excluding hotel staff. I didn’t even tell Jenna which hotel I was staying at because I didn’t want her showing up unannounced.

Knock. Knock.The knocks are a bit louder this time so I quickly turn on the light and make my way over to the door. I turn the lock and then open the door. Standing before me is Ysenia.

“Um… hey,” she smiles weakly. “Sorry to wake you.”

“You didn’t,” I smile back.

“I came to see if my purse was here and the front desk gave me your message.” Her cheeks redden.

Earlier, the front desk had called to tell me that mygirlfriendhad left her purse in the lobby. I quickly commandeered Ysenia’s purse. I did it for two reasons. One, to ensure no one would steal from her. Two, so that I could see her again. Reason number two made me a selfish asshole but I have no regrets since she’s standing in front of me again.

“I figured you’d come back here once you realized it was missing,” I say. “Sorry that I didn’t see your purse before you drove off.”

“It’s okay. My own damn fault for leaving it.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. You’ve had a long day.

“Just a–” A yawn interrupts her sentence. I can’t help but chuckle. “Ugh. Yawning like a caveman.”

“Sexiest caveman I’ve ever seen,” I assure her with a grin.

“You clearly are jet-lagged and out of your mind,” she giggles.

“I assure you, with or without sleep I’d know that you are beautiful, Ysenia.”

Ysenia braces one hand on the wall and takes several slow breaths. Her piercing eyes are looking up at me, searching for something. Maybe she thinks I’m lying.

“I’m a man of my word, Ysenia. I don’t have a reason to lie to you,” I smile.

“What made you say that?” Her eyebrow raises.

“You didn’t seem to believe me.”

Ysenia’s eyes widen and she shakes her head several times.

“Oh. Sorry. I wasn’t trying to call you a liar,” she blurts then looks down the hallway then back at me. “Sorry,” she whispers.

“You can come in while I grab your purse if you’d like.” I open the door wider, allowing her the option to walk inside. She seems torn about what to do. She bites her bottom lip and rocks back and forth on her heels. “You don’t have to. Let me grab–”

“No. It’s fine. I’d love to come inside,” she blurts then blazes past me and into the room. I stifle a laugh and close the door.

“Welcome to my abode,” I chuckle.

“Pretty fancy room,” she says, looking around.

“It was all they had left,” I reply faintly. I’m suddenly feeling like a snob.

When I checked in earlier, the hotel was completely booked except for a king-size suite. I didn’t want to have Ysenia drive me all over creation looking for a hotel so I took this room. I didn’t think she’d end up in the room, but now that she was, I didn’t want her thinking I was some stuck-up guy who only wanted top-of-the-line things.

“You didn’t strike me as a snob,” she teases.

“That is a relief,” I grin.

“This is bigger than some apartments I’ve toured,” she laughs.
