Carrying her to my luxurious lair was one of the biggest thrills of my life. I could sense her body shaking with laughter, my own sense of excitement causing my very soul to tremble in unison with hers. When I placed her on the bed, a frenzy began that was unlike any of our previous other entanglements.
There was a certainty and a trust that the pleasure we provide one another would go on in an infinite loop. It’s difficult to describe the feeling even by a more learned demon like me. All I know is that Tessa is my mate, and we have become intertwined, eternal within the universe of our evolving essences.
She pulled me on top of her on the massive bed, and I felt her legs starting to part. I groaned, feeling my cock hard and ready under my loincloth, and proceeded to run my claws down the front of her dress. I can feel her smile beneath my lips while we make out ravenously, and I release her from her bindings. The sharpness of my nails is enough to slice through the thick corset.
Tessa gasped, and it was sultry and sexy. Her breasts immediately spilled out, free to breathe in the open air of the demon realm, as I helped her shimmy off the rest of her suffocating fabric. Along the way, I taste each of her delicate features, the soft swell of her bosom, the smooth tightness of her ribs, and the rise of her pelvic bone to meet my lips. Once her garments were removed, she tossed the remnants aside and laid before me like a naked and enchanting goddess, her back arched with unbridled need.
I cannot help myself. After placing a fluttering kiss on her mound, I rise up, feeling her body vibrate with a groan of disappointment. I sit on my knees between her legs, watching her thrash with yearning, a composed yet wild sight.
“I need to drink in this delight,” I whispered, gazing down at her. “You are so ridiculously divine, my darling Tessa. I cannot believe you are mine.”
Her eyes are something out of one of her fairytale stories, a green, shimmering emerald, pupils blown from lust and love, as she raised her hands over her head to let out a small sigh. She fixates on me, and I’m utterly, haplessly, lost in her magnificence.
“I’m yours forever and onward,” she murmured, bringing a finger to her lips to nibble on. “Whether in divinity or fiendish trickery.”
Just when I think she cannot get more interesting, she somehow manages to. I feel my cock twitch as she begins to suck on her finger, and a carnal drive takes me over.
“Get over here, you.”
I growled and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed by her thighs. She gasped, beautiful and sensual, as she braced herself for what she knows is inevitable.
“Mmm, Varzig,” she muttered as I lowered my knees to the floor. “Gods, I need you.”
I spread her legs out wide as I slowly dipped my face down to the most glorious wet wonder a demon can indulge in. Her pussy is ready for me, glistening with anticipation. I felt her holding her breath, laying still for a brief moment, as I released my long tongue to toy with her pink nub.
I touched it lightly first, using the ends of my fingers to brush along the insides of her thighs. She moaned like a symphony, goosebumps breaking out across her skin like the strumming of a guitar.
“Oh, baby!” she cried out, her hands searching for my head. “Please, I need you so bad.”
I cannot and will not make her wait any longer. As enjoyable as it is to watch her writhe and beg for my mouth, ultimately, I want her to fly up in the sky and become with the stars.
“Mmm, Tessa …”
My breath tickles her labia, and I go in quickly and with great vigor. I began with my tongue, moving up and down like a calf licks a milk bowl, then thrust into her lovely hole. She pushed her pelvis against my face as I continued rubbing her thighs, inserting my tongue harder and faster.
“Just like that, yes, baby, yes,” she whimpered.
I do as my beloved asks and then begin to plow my appendage into her honeysuckle pussy. Her bucking against me becomes more chaotic, and her scent indicates to me that she’s reaching the pinnacle.
The sight, sound, and smell of Tessa are captivating. Her gritty tone echoes through the room as she pleads for me not to stop, crying out with acceptance and mad pleasure she’d never allowed herself to feel in the past.
I watch as she throws her head back into the bed. Her hands are once more searching for my head or the sheets to grip. Her moans go silent as her climax soars through her, caressing every bone with feathered softness.
“OH, VARZIG!” She eventually called out.
I let her ride against my face until it all became too sensitive. She pushes my face away lightly, then her breath starts to return to normal, absorbing the enjoyment of her explosion.
“Yes, oh my gods,” she whispered, almost to herself.
Gods, she tastes like demon candy and the honey of the Mother. I place a gentle kiss upon her trembling legs and stand up, enjoying the disorder I’d caused laying before me like an offering.
“You are such a gift, Tessa,” I said as I removed my loincloth. “I want to give you nothing but absolute pleasure for the rest of our lives together. I hope that is sufficient for you.”
She’s sweating profusely, her glorious long hair laid out behind her like a halo, her eyes closed once more as she absorbed the ecstasy. She starts to laugh as she stretches her arms overhead like a dancer. The movements are something beyond cosmic.
“How on Protheka did I land you, Varzig?” She asked, still panting but smiling with delirium. “How did I find a demon who would do anything for me?”
I smirk down at her, my erections standing tall, casting a shadow beside me, and begin to crawl onto the bed over top of her.