Page 18 of Dark Mating

Does she even like the idea of being used by me?This thought is less angry and more reflective.

A warmth builds in my core at the thought of the human girl beneath me.

I quickly push the thought out of my mind. She’s beautiful, and I admire her spirit. But I cannot think like that.

All evening, the other demons tease and play with the human girl. And after a while, she starts responding.

She flips her long dark hair flirtatiously over her shoulder while batting her lashes at Kryon.

By the time we all retire for the night, she has settled on a quilt with Kryon and Denzig on either side of her.

They are both drunk and singing filthy bar songs.

I jumped up, and the other demons looked over at me, and they all burst into raucous laughter.

“It’s time for you to do your duties to me, human,” I said through gritted teeth. I walked over to her in three long strides.

She scrambled away from me, and Kryon and Denzig moved as though to protect her.

But they do not miss the low, dangerous growl that lingers in the air around me.

The human girl gives in, and closing my hand around her arm, I yank her up and away from the group.

When I eventually set her down in front of me in my sleeping quarters, I watch as a flurry of emotions cross her face.

Her eyes widen with fear, and her breath hitches in her throat as I step closer to her. But then she seems to accept whatever fate she thinks is coming to her.

Her eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared, and her jaw hardened. The human girl’s arms fell by her side as though she was opening herself up to me.

I almost laugh.

“What is your name, human girl?” When I speak, my voice is soft. I shake with revulsion at myself, but it’s too late.

Her eyes widen again, and she’s almost breathless when she answers.

“My name is Tessa.” She speaks slowly.

“Okay, Tessa. Now you are going to tell me how you enchanted me without even the soz’garoth knowing. That old demon is a sorcerer. He should have smelled the enchantment on me.”

She shakes her head, swallowing convulsively.

“Tell me,” I snarled. “And I will spare your life.”

“I don’t know,” she gasped. Her eyes are glossy with sudden tears. “But please, you have to return me to the village. The orcs will return, and this time there won’t be anyone to stop them from killing the children.”

I throw my head back and laugh heartily. This human girl, Tessa, believes she can just make demands of me.

Well, the magic has worn off now.

“Why should I take you back?” I throw the question at her harshly, but I cannot take pleasure when she flinches away from me.

“I’ve heard you all talking,” her breathy voice is low. I’m suddenly aware of how close we are to one another.

I can feel her breath on my face. It’s sweet and warm.

Can she feel my breath on her face? Can she almost taste me the way I can her?

“I’ve heard you talking,” she continues. “And I know the book you seek. If you take me back to the village, I can give it to you.”