I let the bedroom door swing shut behind me and froze instantly. I know something is wrong as soon as the door closes with a soft thud.
At first, I think I’m alone in my room, but I quickly realize I’m wrong. There is a gathering of shadows in the corner of my room where I normally sit, looking out of the small window.
The chair is no longer there. Something, or someone, has shoved it across the small space.
The only thing I can hear as I watch the shadows is my own breathing. Heavy. Loud. Erratic.
I can feel and hear everything. I can feel the way the air moves and changes against my skin. I can hear every one of the villagers preparing for the evening.
As I stand frozen, the shadows shift and change.
The shadows lengthen and solidify. Then the shadows pull away, and what I see makes my head spin.
I’m falling before I know it.
* * *
I’m stillin my bedroom when I wake up.
And when I wake up, a broad, cold hand is covering my mouth.
When my eyes adjust to the gloom of my bedroom, I see that I’m looking directly at a dark elf.
There is no way I can mistake the creature that sat before me. The creature is shaped like a human but is as tall as my bedroom ceiling.
In fact, the way it stands, hunched over, makes me think it could be taller. It has dark, midnight-colored skin.
Midnight-colored skin that contrasts sharply with its long, white hair.
The dark elf has bright gray eyes and wears the most luxurious clothing that I have ever seen.
The elf is draped in velvets, linens, and silks. It wears bold colors of red and gold, and it has a longsword sheathed around its hips.
The elf speaks then.
“It would do you well to remain quiet once I remove my hand from your mouth.” The elf’s voice is smooth and silky. “I can kill your dear family in seconds if you try to sound an alarm.”
I nod my acquiescence slowly, and it removes its hand.
I realize that the elf is male from the size of his hands and shoulders. He smirks as I wrap my arms around my ribs, hugging myself.
“You are a smart human girl.” The elf smiled at me, then stood. He’s still hunched over, but his hunched shoulders do not take away from his power. “Now, we have had our eye on this camp for a long time. So I was quite surprised to find a source of magic here.”
I also know that the elf is a sorcerer. The sorcerer elves wear dark blue bands around their waists to indicate their position.
It’s clear to me instantly what the sorcerer means. He’s referring to the tome.
“You humans always hold so many surprises.” He murmured, looking around my small room as if he was genuinely interested.
“But every human surprise is nothing to what I have discovered. The Tome of Ledantis. However did you get your hands on it?”
Does he expect me to answer? The elf turned away from me dismissively. I know that I’m simply a piece of filth to him.
But he cannot take the book from you. You are linked to it,a voice in my head murmurs.
The sorcerer turned to me then with a grin on his face.
“Do not try and hide anything from me, human girl. I can hear your mind at work, though I cannot read it. And I do know you are tied to the book.”