As Stacy makes herself comfortable behind the counter, I head to the back office, removing my apron and grabbing my bag from the storage area. My eyes fall on the trash again, remembering the crumpled up note I found in there earlier. My note, the one scribbled on a receipt after yesterday’s close encounter.

“Hey, Stacy?” I ask, breezing past her. “Did Henry say anything about the note I left last night? You know, about the customer we banned from coming in?”

One of her eyebrows lifts. “Oh, yeah. He fumed up a storm. Says he’s moving you to the second shift as soon as another employee is hired. He’s interviewing someone this week.”

My chest loosens just a little, and I sigh, patting the counter. “Awesome. Have fun today!”

She makes a face. “I’ll try.”

I walk home feeling lighter than I have in weeks. Henry’s planning to transition me to second shift, and soon, I hope. It’ll be a higher stress environment with all the business, but I wouldn’t mind the change in pace. Time would pass quicker, that’s for sure.

And Henry would be there for half of my shift. No one would mess with me while the boss was in the back. Joey sure as hell wouldn’t show his face again.

The swinging of my shoelace breaks my thoughts, drawing my attention to my feet. With a huff, I move beneath the awning of a pawnshop and drop to my knees, tightening the strings. The streets are dim, and with nothing but lamp posts to brighten my surroundings, it takes longer than usual to loosen the knot stuck at the base of my laces.

Before I’m finished tying the loops together, a tingle creeps up the back of my neck, chilling me from the inside out.

The sensation of being watched isn’t one that’d normally alert me, especially in the city, but this is heavier, like eyes boring into the depths of my soul. My hand shakes, causing the laces to tremble between my fingers. Dread builds every second I remain in this position, unknowing who could be leering at me.

I’ve freaked myself out like this before, thinking there are unseen forces watching me as I walk from one room to another, so I force myself to keep calm as I finish tying my shoe. When I turn my head, I expect to see nothing. A phantom of empty space, brought on by my lack of sleep and rising stress level.

Instead, I see a figure cloaked in the shadows of early morning dawn.

Dark clothing and a black balaclavas mask conceal his features. His eyes, dark and piercing, are set on me.

My neck snaps forward, turning away from the masked menace. I creep forward, clutching my bag to my chest.Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

My steady stride slowly increases to a brisk jog, and then a full out sprint. My thick thighs rub together, causing my tights to swish with every step I take. By the time I reach my apartment building’s entrance, I’m out of breath, lungs screaming. I jab the key code to get inside and twist my head, searching the streets for my assailant.

But he’s gone.

Maybe he hadn’t even given chase. I was too frightened to look before now.

I step deeper into the building, my head bent to scan the streets through the open door. Suddenly, my body clashes with an impenetrable force.

“Whoa!” I ricochet backwards, head spinning so fast the world tilts. I still haven’t caught my breath, nor has my heart dislodged itself from my throat. Inhaling sharply, my eyes travel up the suit-clad figure until they reached a pair of solemn eyes focused on me.

“Are you alright?” His gloved hands reach up to my shoulders, steadying me. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I don’t have time to realize I’ve fallen into the arms of my sexy neighbor. The fear is too palpable. I grab his wrists, squeezing tightly. “There was a man in the streets wearing a mask.”

Samuel stares at me, features unmoving. I think I glimpse crimson reflecting in his eyes, though it’s gone as quickly as it came. Stress is making me insane. Suddenly he looks behind me, through the window, his nose flaring. “Did he approach you? Threaten you or display a weapon?”

I lick my dry lips, panting. “No. But he was definitely watching me, and he was wearing one of those scary robber masks.”

His eyes linger on the window for a second longer, but slowly, they return to mine. A forced smile tugs on the corner of his lip, and he drops his hands. “The streets are full of mentally ill, especially at this hour. Did he follow you?”

I inhale deeply, closing my eyes for a moment. “I don’t know. I didn’t hear any footsteps.”Not over the sound of my rushing heartbeat, anyway.

“Ah.” Samuel grabs my sleeve with the edge of his fingers, tugging me away from the doors. “I’m sure the cops will get him, then. You have protection, right? I assume a lady wouldn’t walk the streets at night without something to keep her safe.”

He pulls me past the sleeping guard stationed inside the lobby and toward the elevator. I’m shivering by the time he presses the lit button, hugging myself with both arms. My teeth chatter as I reply. “I have a little keychain bottle of mace in my bag.” I hadn’t even thought about trying to retrieve it while running away. A lot of good it’s doing me.

“Wonderful.” Samuel says, gritting his teeth. His half-smile never wavers, making the conflicting reactionsveryconfusing. I ignore him, focusing on returning my heart-rate to a normal pace.Inhale. Exhale.

The elevator doors open, and we both step inside. “I know it’s forward of me to ask, but I’m curious. Why the Hell are you walking the streets alone at night?” His body is more rigid than it was before, like it’s barely containing something he doesn’t want me to see. Definitely not the vibes you’d normally invite into your life, but right now, his presence is comforting. I’d rather be answering his personal questions than running from a masked stranger.

“Work.” I reply, leaning against the metal interior wall.