
Theairisthickwith anticipation until Samuel returns. I’m perched on the isolated, worn-down couch in front of the fire, and Matthew stands completely still beside the bar separating the kitchen from the living room.

Matthew is completely silent and motionless, not even breathing.Unnerving.His long inky hair falls down to his shoulders, framing his equally dark eyes.

There are still so many things I don’t know about my current situation, like who this man is that they’re so afraid of.

I’ve been wondering about the process of becoming a vampire, too. Samuel used to be human, fighting in the Mexican-American war, and he probably lead a decent life before his transformation.

I want to know more about his world. About him.

The door opens with no indication that someone is on the porch. No footsteps, no knocks. It swings wide to reveal a disheveled Samuel and his cocky younger brother. I’massumingFrancis is younger, anyway.

Francis is the wildest of the men, with a snarky attitude and a smile that’d dazzle almost anyone. He’s sweet, cute, and comfortable to be around… but he isn’t Samuel. A single glance from him isn’t enough to set my heart racing.

Like the look Samuel is giving me now.

His gaze moves up my body until his eyes meet mine, and a warm smile spreads across his face. The orange light from the fire illuminates his features, making him appear dreamlike. “Miss me?”

My lips twitch, but I keep a straight face. “You, um. You have blood on your hand.” I wince, gesturing to the bright red stain smeared on the back of his hand.

His eyes dart down, examining himself. “That I do.” He arches both brows, shrugging apologetically.

Matthew finally moves, his statue-like presence crackling to life. “It’s time for us to leave. Sun will be up in a few minutes.”

Francis stands in the open doorway. He nods to Matthew before sending a wink my way. “Have a good day, ma’am. Keep my boy safe.”

I bid them both farewell in a small voice. I’ve always had a bit of a shy streak in me, but working customer service gave me enough practice to fake being bold and cheery. That training has seemed to disappear in the presence of this band of vampiric brothers.

Matthew shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone with Samuel.

He’s in the kitchen, running the faucet over his bloody hand.

“Did you eat… deer?” I ask, balking at the mental image of him drinking from a stag.

He turns the sink off. “No.”

My eyes widen. “A hiker?”

He laughs, his stark white teeth flashing. “No. A boar.”

“That’s worse than a deer, I think.”

Samuel saunters toward me, eyes darkening with each step. “How do you feel?”

I swallow the sudden knot in my throat. “Like I’m dreaming.”

Sighing, he collapses on the couch beside me, our thighs touching. “Feels that way for me sometimes, too.” He leans back, lacing his hands behind his head.

My finger traces circles over the fabric of my pants. “If the sun is coming up, shouldn’t you go find a coffin to sleep in?”

Samuel barks out a laugh, his eyes squeezing closed. “A coffin? Are you serious?”

My lips curl. “How am I supposed to know how you sleep? Vampires and coffins are a thing, you know.”

“If I need to sleep, I can do so anywhere. Here, on the couch. In the bed. Outside with the sun shining down on me.” He shrugs, his eyes dancing over my face. “Like I said before, the sun doesn’t hurt me. I mightlookdead, but I’d be fine the moment night returned.”

“Are you going to sleep today?”