“Almost there.”

At the end of the long corridor, we come to a door. The only door. It hadn’t occurred to me that Jane and I would share the only bedroom until now, but the realization sends a jolt of pleasure to my cock.Shit.She probably doesn’twantto share this space with me. I may feel at ease with her, but she has a right to be wary of me.

Either way, this room is hers.

I flip the light switch, brightening the area.

This portion of the home is the same size as the living room and kitchen combined. To the right are two doors, one leading into the master bathroom and the other opening up to the walk-in closet. A four-poster bed rests against the opposite wall, its wooden beams holding up a canopy of white silk fabric. The mattress is bare, but the closet is stocked with lavish sheets and blankets.

Jane exhales a shaky breath. “This ishuge. Who built this place? I mean, they could have sectioned this out and made a few guest rooms, at least.”

I arch a brow. “You don’t like it?”

She shakes her head. “No, I adore it.” Stepping past me, she crosses the room, her feet pattering over the wooden floor. “I could actually doyogain here.”

I lean against the door frame. “You do yoga?”

Jane shrugs. “No, but Icould.”

My chest rumbles with an unexpected chuckle. Jane is a very unique woman, indeed. I point past her head. “The bathroom is in there, and the closet is through the door beside it.”

She stumbles across the space, bouncing on her heels in excitement. I can’t see her face as she peeks into the bathroom, but I imagine it’s just as awestruck as when she saw the bedroom.

I’ve never been so captivated by another person in all my life. Hell, I don’t think I’ve been this interested in anyoneever.

Jane’s wavy hair flies around her shoulders as she turns to face me. Her cheeks are rosy again. “Is this the only room?”

I nod.

“And will we be… Is everyone staying here? Your brothers, too?”

“No. They’ll be in the cabin near the road, keeping watch.”

“So, it’ll be just us, then?”

I smile. “Yes, just us. My brothers will be coming back and forth, I’m sure. They get bored on their own.”

She shivers, wrapping her arms around herself in a hug. “Will you take the couch, or…?” Her eyebrows knit together as she looks at me inquisitively.

My stomach lurches. “If that’s what you want.”

She gnaws on her lower lip, and just when I’m about to soothe away her nerves, my brother approaches, his footsteps sounding down the hall.

“Hey, Jane?”

Her chin lifts.

“I have to go now. Matthew will be here if you need anything.”

Francis stops just behind me.

“I’ll only be gone an hour or two.”

Jane nods her head, but her worried expression remains. It takes every ounce of willpower I have to turn and leave her there, alone in the center of a strange, new world.

Most people think hunting is about the chase.

It isn’t.