I thought Sam’s venom had made the waters more ethereal than they really were, but I was wrong. The tranquility remains untouched, still reflecting the night sky with a beautiful accuracy.

I collapse at the water’s edge, staring at my reflection in the dark pool. The moon is so large, swallowing the top of my head like a halo. I realize my eyes are wet, and I wipe at my cheeks, ashamed.

It isn’t like Samuel is breaking up with me. He just... can’t decide how long he plans to string me along.

The crunch of a twig near the forest’s edge causes my tears to dry, and my spine straightens, prickling with goosebumps. My senses go on hyperalert, and I listen intently, wishing I had Samuel’s hearing.

The howling wind causes the trees to rustle, making it difficult to make out any sounds other than the whistling breeze, but-

“Hi, there.”

I squeak out a cry, twisting to face the strange voice.

An older man wearing khakis and a plain white shirt stands before me, his hair salt and peppered and cut short. He’s wearing a large rucksack secured to his back, smiling warmly.

But it’s dark, and he’s staring at me, his eyes unreadable.

“Um, yes?”

He offers me his hand. “I apologize for startling you. I was on the trail a while back and seem to have taken the wrong route. Do you know of any places nearby where I can get a new map? A cabin or rest area, perhaps?”

I take a few seconds to process what’s happening before finally placing my hand in his.

His grasp is like a block of solid ice.

I tug away from him and take a step backwards, my heart hammering. His large stature looms in front of me, blocking my only escape route. My inner voice commands me to flee, to conceal myself, to do something- anything.

He cocks his head to the side, a smile growing on his wrinkled face. “You’re Jane Johnson, aren’t you?”

I shake my head, taking another step back. My foot lands in the water, soaking the bottom of Sam’s jacket.

The man’s nostrils flare, and he chuckles. “Oh, yes. His scent ofbetrayalis all over you.” He sizes me up, advancing menacingly.

Before I have time to scream, an excruciating pain strikes my skull and I fall into darkness.



Ipacefromoneend of the cabin to the other, hating the world, my brother, and myself.

How did this wonderful night turn so sour?

And what was Francis spewing to make Jane so confused?

Itoldher I wasn’t going to turn her into a vampire. What does she think has changed since now and then? The transition from alive to dead isn’t a simple afternoon decision. It’s a soul altering choice.

Her lifemeanssomething. To both of us.

And yet I let her down. She ran from me like all the other women I’ve scarred. Like I had burned her.Hurther.

What the Hell did Francis tell her?

One hand claws through my hair as I take a deep breath, trying to get a handle on myself. I’m debating on storming to my brother’s cabin so I can let off steam by smashing Francis’ head in, but I worry Jane will return while I’m gone.

So I pace.

And I continue to pace.