I surrender myself to him, allowing my pleasure to build. His hands rake over the dip in my hips, over my stomach, and up to my bouncing breast. He teases my nipple with his fingers, pinching the sensitive skin. I arch into him, begging for more. I needmore.
“Please,” I beg.
His eyes darken, his thrusts speeding up. He’s pushing me, taking me higher and higher, until I can’t hold on any longer. I let out a loud cry as my pleasure crescendos. Sam grunts in response, his shaft convulsing. His thrusts slow, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close.
“You didn’t bite me this time,” I grin, my body still humming with the aftereffects of my orgasm.
Sam kisses the top of my forehead. “I drank more blood while you were sleeping,” he confesses. “I think I have a handle on things now.”
For a moment, my weightlessness recedes. A feeling of pain builds up in my stomach, but I know it’s not justified. Sam hated the thought of biting me. Hurting me hurts him. But deep down, I think it brought us closer together.
“Oh,” I whisper. “I suppose that means you won’t get to taste me anymore.”
His thumb skates over my brow, trailing down my cheek. “Does that upset you?”
I avert my eyes, avoiding eye contact. “Am I wrong to say yes? If I admit that last night gave me a taste of your world, and now I crave more?”
His fingers grasp my chin, pulling my gaze back to his. His irises darken, like a storm brewing on the horizon, threatening to engulf everything in its wake. “My venom caused you to hallucinate. It’s unhealthy.”
I jerk against his fingers, shaking my head. “It wasn’t even about that. It was about youwantingto bite me. About my blood, a part ofme, becoming one with you.”
His gaze softens, and his hold on me slacks. “There are... other ways for us to arrange that.”
“What other ways?”
He grimaces. “I could... cut you. Drink from you without biting you.”
Shock and curiosity shiver up my spine. “You’d do that?”
His glower deepens. “I don’t like the thought of hurting you, but my brothers are right. If I take from the source, fromyou, I’d be stronger. Better able to protect you if the need arises.”
A warm tingle climbs up my legs, heating my center. “Can we do it now?”
His lips part, his stare growing heady. “I- “
Just then, two knocks sound on the front door, echoing through the surrounding space.
Samuel gives me an apologetic look. “Later,” he promises.
IwatchJaneandFrancis from where I stand in the kitchen. Usually, I enjoy thoroughly the process of making a warm, fragrant dish with fresh ingredients. Today, however, I wish I could be engaging with her instead of watching Francis take up the spotlight.
Matt shoves my shoulder. “Stop moping.”
“I’m not,” I quip, tossing a handful of chopped mushrooms into the cast-iron skillet.
He tosses me an arrogant look, crossing his arms. “He’s not trying to steal what’s yours.”
I glare at him. “Jane isn’t a possession. She can talk to whoever she likes.” My gaze shifts to Francis, who is seated on the sofa beside Jane. His leg is perched atop his knee as he smirks at Jane’s beaming face. “He’s flirting with her, though. She’s probably uncomfortable.”
I know she isn’t, though. She’sgiggling.
Matt throws the cooked ravioli into my skillet, dowsing it with garlic infused olive oil. “He’s doing you a favor. She’s tense around us. If you want her to be comfortable, then Francis’ charm is exactly what you need.”
Maybe he’s right.