We’re lucky tonight.
At the border of our land, a herd of deer graze the grass in a small clearing. Matthew and Francis flank me as we creep closer, marking our targets.
We hunt best like this. As a pack, each anticipating the others’ actions and reacting on impulse. As we inch closer, we share a concentrated look.
Before the animals sense our presence, we snatch hold of the creatures. My fangs elongate, excited the moment the warm doe is bucking in my grasp. I bite deep into its neck, silencing its cries.
I gulp down the hot liquid, feeling it scorch my throat and ignite my being from within. Yes. This is what I’ve been craving; what I wish I could have with Jane. If I could taste her, drink her essence until it becomes one with mine…
The creature’s neck snaps in my arms. Shit.
I drop it, scowling at it as if it’s the reason I have no control. “Matt?”
My brother lifts his head from his catch, chin bright red. “What?”
“Give me the blood.”
He pats his jacket pocket, shoving a hand inside and pulling free the bag. “Catch,” he says, before tossing it through the air.
Once I have it in my grasp, I feel a little lighter. This is the cure to my insatiable appetite. I’ve fought my demons for a long time, but maybe I don’t have to. Maybe blood was never the problem. It wasn’t what trained me into a killer. Barros did that.
My brothers drink from human women on the regular, usually after they’ve become acquainted at a bar and the woman is already intoxicated. They’ve never felt the thrall of bloodlust like it’s a physical chain wrapped around their throat.
But… maybe I’ve punished myself for long enough.
With my teeth still sharpened, I bite into the bag, draining it. As the liquid flows into my system, a wave of delight washes over me, a sensation I haven’t experienced in what feels like an eternity.
I slouch against the trunk of a tree, closing my eyes as euphoria takes hold. The beast within me retreats, tamed by my new sense of relaxation. My craving is still there, but it’s not as demanding.
By the time we make it back to the cabin, I’m tottering around like a sailor who has had one too many drinks. Francis makes a joke, something about the Night Order and their need for control, and I laugh, my smile stretching so wide that my cheeks ache. Matt kicks open the front door, startling my poor, sweet Jane with his rudeness. I shove past him, approaching my tantalizing human.
She’s stands from the couch, meeting me halfway. When I reach her, my hands rub over her arms, her shoulders, her neck. Her gaze flickers over my face, eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Has anyone ever told you that you look like a sexier version of Amanda Seyfried?” I feel emboldened by the blood, more confident than I have in ages.
Yes, I’m a monster. I have the power to rip a beating heart from another’s chest and consume it. I’ve done terrible things, experienced horrid scenes.
And yet all I want is her.
If I commit any further offences in this life, it will be because I’m safeguarding this human.Myhuman.
Her head jerks to the side, trying to capture the attention of my brothers. I place my finger below her chin and turn her to face me again.My girl.
“Who the hell is Amanda Seyfried?” she asks.
I gape, appalled. “Love, please tell me you’ve seen Jessica’s Body.”
Her lip quirks up. “The blonde girl? She’s cute, right?”
Trick question? “You’re cuter.”
She averts her gaze and looks toward my brothers, raising her eyebrows in their direction. “Is he drunk?”
Matt rubs the back of his neck, sighing. “I guess an entire bag of blood was a little too much for his first feeding.”
Francis snorts. “He’s fine. Let him live in the clouds for a few hours. This feeling will fade once he builds a tolerance.” Francis pats me on the shoulder as he passes us, and I wrap my arm possessively around Jane, my eyes narrowing. I still haven’t forgotten how touchy he had been with her yesterday.
Jane’s hand rubs over my chest. “So he’ll be...” She clears her throat. “Accustomed to human blood soon?”