“So warm, so fucking warm.” He mutters. The crimson fires in his eyes are ablaze, brighter than I’ve ever seen them. His hips sway more feverishly, as if he was about to succumb to his innermost desires. He’s on the brink of losing control.
I reach up, touching my breasts as I suck. His eyes dart to my hand, and he groans again, leaning his head backward. “Jane.”
I keep going, moaning, touching, sucking his cock. The next time he glances down, his pupils have dilated, his eyes more vivid than a bloody sunset. He yanks his hips back, pulling away from my mouth. “I can’t,” he grits, but his words are muffled.
Muffled by the two long, deathly sharp incisors dipping below his upper lip.
He takes another step away. “It’s okay. Everything’s okay.” He squeezes his eyes closed. “Put your gown back on.”
I slump into a sitting position on the floor, frowning. “Did I do something wrong?”
His nostrils flare, but he keeps his eyes shut. “No. I thought I could do this, but I can’t.”
A searing flash of shame settles in my gut. Does he… not like human women? Does he just not like me? “Oh,” is all I manage to say.
His eyes snap open, and their hue dims. “It’s nothing like that, Jane. I just,” He grimaces. “I haven’t drunk enough human blood to resist you while we… I got too excited, and I really,reallydon’t want to bite you.”
“You just ate,” I say numbly.
“Sex brings out my dark side, Jane. I can normally control it, but with you.” His eyes narrow, gaze darkening. “You’re something else. So damn sexy. Sowarm.” He groans again, closing his eyes. “If we were to keep going, I’d bite you. Drink from you.”
My hurt lessens, but only a little. “Would that be such a bad thing?” In all the paranormal romance novels I’ve read, a vampire wanting to bite the heroine during sex is erotic. It might hurt, but I have a knack for being able to withstand discomfort. I could takehim, all of him.
Samuel pulls up his pants and kneels before me. Gently, he touches my cheek, the coolness of his finger chilling over my skin. “Yes, Jane. It would be a bad thing. Do you see these teeth?” He bares his fangs.
Eyes widening, I nod, mesmerized by the deadly points. His fangs are serrated on the edges like a shark, clearly designed to be lethal.
“They’re coated with poison. If I bite you, my venom will seep into your bloodstream and make you feel like you’ve been sedated with a concoction of party drugs.”
I swallow, still engrossed by his incisors. “Would it hurt to be bitten?”
“Maybe at first, but the poison is meant to soothe the victim into submission.”
Suddenly, Sam swoops his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. As he cradles me in his arms, I feel weightless. He gently places me on the mattress. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. We’ll try again after I’ve fully satiated my appetite.” He slides into bed beside me.
I divert my gaze, focusing my attention on the patterns on the blanket. “Will you drink from someone else?”
Sam places his hand on the back of my neck, craning to look at me. “No.” He inches closer to me. “Matt has blood bags. I’ll have to be careful, though. They make me a little...unhinged, you know? But it’s better than not having any restraint when I finally get to ravish you the way you deserve, sweet Jane.”
I press myself against his body, cuddling into his chest. “I can wait as long as you want, Sam. All I ask is that you keep being this tender with me, and I’ll be yours.” I close my eyes, breathing in his scent.
“Oh, my sweetness.” Sam presses his lips against mine, kissing me softly. “You already are.”
Iremainstill,perchedon the edge of Jane’s bed, not wanting to disturb her slumber. The moments seem to stretch on forever, but I savor every second of having her in my embrace. Her body warms mine beneath the covers, heating my skin like a personal furnace. As she sleeps, I count every freckle on her face. There’s forty-three of them. After that, I notice drool dribbling from the corner of her lips, and I wipe at it with my thumb.
My precious human is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. So innocent, so pure, so easily tarnished.
My fingers trail through her hair, scratching her scalp once I realize it makes her moan in her sleep. I’d do anything to bring this woman an ounce of pleasure. Anything.
Just picturing her mouth on my cock, and the way she swirled her tongue over my head. Fuck. She’s divine. And her taste. The taste of her on my tongue is like a blissful blend of sunshine and wild abandon.
When she kicks me in the shin and then rolls over, I decide its time to get up. I have duties to attend to before she stirs from her sleep.