Jane chuckles. “Maybe. How’d you know?”

God, if I could just wrap her around me like a blanket, I think I’d be content for the rest of my life. “And toasted bagels? Are those your favorite?”

She gasps, pulling away so she can look at me fully. “I had them before work every night!” Her lashes flutter. “Could you smell them on me when we were at the apartments?”

A leisure smile lights my lips, and I incline my head.

“What else could you tell about me? I mean, before things went wrong?”

“Hm. Well, I know you like to play Lo-Fi before bed. Ialsoknow you like to do something very unruly before going to sleep.”

She glares at me. “You know nothing.”

I arch one brow. “Are you sure?” I cock my head to the side, pursing my lips. “I think I remember a little vibrating device buzz-”

Her hand flies over my mouth. My tongue darts out on impulse, tasting her skin.Salty. She narrows her eyes. “Shut up.”

Matthew coughs.

I grab her wrist, peeling her hand away. “My apologies, sweet Jane.”

Matthew clears his throat, garnering Jane’s attention. “Have you lived in New York your whole life?”

She settles back into her seat, scooting a few inches away from me.Damn.

“No. I grew up in North Carolina.”

Matthew nods. “Did you go to college?”

Jane frowns. “No.”

“What’d you do in the city?”


Matthew’s eyes widen. “Oh, so you were a working girl?”

Jane frowns. “Yes. Wait, no? I was a barista.”

“Ah.” Matthew glides the car off an isolated exit, turning right. “Do you have any family?”

Jane squirms beside me, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not any I’m close with.”

“So it’s okay that you’ve moved out of your apartment and left the city without notifying anyone? A search party won’t be issued?”

She shivers, her shoulder bumping into mine. “No one will come looking.”

I place my arm around her, staring daggers into the back of Matthew’s head. “He’s just being worrisome. You’re completely safe with us, Jane. I promise.”

Matthew gives us a slight nod without turning around. I think he realizes that if he were to make eye contact with me, my stare would kill him. “I’m being cautious. There’s a man there who will hunt us the moment he finds out Sam is missing. We were careful, but I wanted to make sure he couldn’t trace us through your disappearance.”

Jane relaxes against my arm. “What kind of man?”

“A powerful one.” I answer, holding her a little closer.

“We’re here,” Matthew announces.

He swerves the car, bouncing us down a rough gravel road. The trees rustle in the wind, their branches scraping together.