“I was hoping you’d both show a little respect.” I contain my anger, not wanting to make things worse for Jane. She’s already worked up and I don’t want to add onto her troubles. “Jane is ourguest.Not a toy for you to flirt with.”

Matthew rubs the back of his neck, glaring at Francis. “Sorry, man. He’s been like this ever since I told him you were bringing a girl home.”

My eye twitches. “That isn’t what this is.”

Francis raises his eyebrows, his devilish smile widening. “What is it then, Sammy boy?”

Carefully, I link my arm with Jane’s. “Jane, this is Francis.” I nod toward my younger brother, sending him a look that would cripple most mortals. “And this is Matthew.”

Matthew flashes a sheepish smile at Jane, raising his palm in a wave.

Jane’s response is feeble as she takes a few steps back from me, lifting her hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m Jane.”

My brothers simply stare.

“Did you bring the money?” I ask, sending Matthew a pointed look.

He stammers, reaching into the back pocket of his denim jeans. “Right here, man. There was only fifty grand in the safe and I didn’t want to risk going to the bank. You know, just in case.” His gaze is fixed on mine, an unspoken warning clear in its intensity.

Just in caseRune tracks the banking cameras and realizes my brothers are by my side, as they’ve always been.

There was a time when Rune saw me as my Lord’s favored son, a prodigy fit to take over the family business. I was ruthless, brutal, and… nothing like the two men in front of me.

But he never realized the mask I wore. It was so well sculpted I had trouble taking it off.

My brothers helped me then, and they’ll help me now.

Matthew hands me a thin paper bag. “I left the rest in the car. Should be enough in there for our shopping spree.”

Beside me, Jane makes a soft exclamation of surprise, and I can’t help but smile to myself.

I reach into the sack and pull out a bundle of money. “Here,” I hand it to Matthew. “You two hit the food and hygiene shops. We’ll meet back here in an hour.”

Francis’ face sours. “Why don’tyougo shop for tampons and I take the girl to try on clothes?”

He’s not being serious. The glint in Francis’ eyes tells me he’s testing me, waiting to see how far I’ll let him go with Jane. “Not. Going. To. Happen. You’re a stranger to her, and she’s my… friend.” My eyes narrow, searing into his. “Just do as I ask, Francis.”

He casts a contemptuous glance in my direction, and as Matthew drags him off, he lets his scorching gaze wrack over my girl.


I offer Jane the money. “Here. This is collateral for all the trauma I’ve put you through.”

She stares at the brown paper bag, her eyes wide. “What?”

I suppress a smile, fighting the urge to break out into a goofy grin like an excited kid. When she gasped earlier, I took the hint that she hadn’t figured me for the wealthy type. It’s time to show her differently. “You need new clothes until your belongings can be recovered from the movers.”

She still doesn’t take the bag. “I packed an extra outfit.”

Carefully, I grab hold of her wrist and place the money into her hand. “Jane, I broke through your wall and killed a man in front of you. Take it. Besides, you can’t wear the same two outfits forever.Andyou need a new phone.”

She stares up at me, assessing the situation. A gust of wind passes us, pushing her fragrant locks in my direction and sending the aroma of strawberry shampoo directly into my lungs. God, howdivine.

I realize that I desperately want her to accept the money. I want her to take everything I have to offer, to trust me, to let me care for her, to spend my fortune like it’s her own.

Her fingers close around the bag. “I’m only taking this because you broke my phone.”

My fingers lift without warning, gently caressing her chin. “Good girl.”