My chest tightens to an impossible squeeze, immobilizing me. I stop breathing. Stop thinking.

“Please,”she cries.

It’s that word,that pleading word of devastation, that rips away every ounce of control I have. I don’t forget what could happen if I take action. Iabsorbit. Saving her means killing her later. Revealing myself means she’ll be a prisoner. Running means Rune will chase.

I take in these revelations and more, and not once does my resolve waiver.

Jane meanssomething,and despite not knowing what the fuck it is, I know I can’t let her be harmed.

I charge at the wall, ripping straight through the plywood and the thin layer of insulation. Particles fly, floating through the air around me as I scan my new surroundings. This takes less than a second, but the moment in time between hearing her plea and finding the coward who caused it feels like forever.

I’ve exited into Jane’s short hallway, directly in front of the closed door of her bathroom. My fist closes around the doorknob, compressing it until it’s molded by my palm. The lock snaps. The hinges flex, buckling as I pull the door wide.

The next two seconds are longer than the first.

I stand motionless, held captive by the sight in front of me.

The steam from the shower fills the bathroom, while the spray of water is spilling onto the tiled floor. Also spread on the tile is Jane, curled up and shielding her body with her arms as she trembles. Her face is flushed, cheeks wet with tears. Despite her terror, those green orbs of hers flick toward me. Surprise passes through them first, but then…relief.

“Who the-“

The vile, gut-less intruder turns his sights in my direction.Good.I face him, letting the weight of my fury bleed into my eyes.

His round face bleaches of color.

I form the ghost of a smile as my fangs slowly extend from their hiding place. The man has enough time to scream in terror, but he doesn’t make a sound. He realizes his inevitable death and stumbles back, fear palpable in his eyes.

He knows it is too late.

The temptation to drag this out and savor it is overwhelming, but I don’t want to make Jane even more upset. I step in front of the man to shield her from his face as I bring my head close to his neck.

The adrenaline to consume him hardens my veins, but I suppress it quickly before it has a chance to fully manifest. I don’t have the luxury of succumbing to this need. Instead, I lunge forward and tear into his neck with one fluid motion.

His blood pools into my mouth, but I refrain from swallowing. He falls to his knees, grasping the gaping hole in his neck with his last remaining strength. It does him no good. The artery is shredded, and a second later, he goes completely limp, face planting into a puddle of his own blood near Jane’s toilet.

My hands move of their own accord, shaking as I turn on Jane’s faucet. I spitwarm, lustrousblood into the porcelain bowl of her sink, turning the water pink as it spirals down the drain. I rinse my mouth, wiping my tongue with one finger.

If I consume even an ounce of this man’s blood, I’ll be too drunk to manage this mess. Janeneedsme.

“Go to the main room, Jane.” I intend to sound commanding, but my voice shakes more than it should.

I glance at the top of her head through the mirror, but at this angle, I can’t see her expression. Maybe it’s better that way.

“Whatareyou?” Her voice quivers.

I don’t turn around. Not yet. “The other room, Jane.” Gripping the sink and staring at the red of my irises, I force my tone to soften. “Please.”

I hear her scuffle as she picks herself up from the floor. She swipes a towel from the rack as she passes me, and doesn’t stop until she’s out of the room.

Get yourself together, Samuel.

I stare at my reflection, watching my features until the tiny impact of the blood wears off. A comforting heat spreads throughout my limbs, causing the illusion of life to creep into my cold bones. But the droplets I swallowed aren’t enough to give me a full buzz. I’m still coherent, capable enough to deal with this rationally.

I wiggle my fingers into my jean pockets, not bothered when my thumb slicks the screen with blood as I speed dial Matthew.

He’s going to kill me.

“Hey, motherfucker! What’s up?”